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Saturday, September 15, 2012


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program.  It is used to organize, manipulate, and chart data and to perform calculations.  It can be used to create business plans, business forms, accounting worksheets and virtually any other document that contains calculated numbers.  Excel can also be used for statistical analysis.
You might have heard the terms “spreadsheet” and “Worksheet”.  People generally use them interchangeably.  To remain consistent with Microsoft and other publishers the term Worksheet refers to the row-and column matrix sheet on which you work upon, and the term spreadsheet refers to this type of computer application.  In addition, the term workbook will refer to the book of pages that is the standard Excel document.  The Workbook can contains worksheets, chart sheets or macro modules.
Title Bar: 
This bar lists the name of the program and the title of the current document.
Menu Bar:
This bar lists the headings for various drop-down menus.  Commands are grouped under each of theses headings in the drop-down menus according to function.
Standard Toolbar :-
This toolbars contains shortcuts to some of the most frequently used commands from the menu bar.
Formatting Toolbars:
This toolbar contains shortcuts to some of the most frequently used commands found under the FORMAT menu item.
Formula Bar:
This bar displays the location of the active cell and its contents, including any formulas.
Formula bar displays t vblocation of the active cell and the value or formula used in the active cell.  The active cell is the ell with the dark border around it in the image of the Excel screen at the top of this page.  You may make any cell active by clicking in it.
The value window (the window next to the = sign) displays the contents of the active cell.  This could be a simple number like 4 than or something as complex as a formula like A4*B4/C4.  you can edit the contents of the active cell by clicking in the value window, deleting its currents and entering in a new value.
Rows, Columns and Sheets
Spreadsheets are made up of Columns Rows And their intersections are called cells.
The Excel worksheet contains 65536 rows that extend down the worksheet, numbered 1 through 65536
The Excel worksheet can contain as many as 256 sheets,  labeled Sheet 1 through Sheet 256. 
Text (labels)
Number data (constants)
Formulas (mathematical equations that do all the work)
In a spreadsheet the COLUMN is define as the vertical spaces that us going up and down the window Letters are used to designate each COLUMNS location.
            In a spreadsheet the ROW us defined as the horizontal space that is going across the window.  Numbers are used to designate each ROW’s location.
            In a spreadsheet the CELL is defines as the space where a specified row and column intersect.  Each cell is assigned a name according to its COLUMN letter and ROW number.
Column and Row Headings
            The row containing letters that stretch across the spreadsheet are the column headings. Column headings represent the names of the columns.  The column containing
numbers that stretch down the spreadsheet are the row headings.
            Row headings represent the names of the rows.  You can select an entire column or row by clicking on its headings.  To increase or decrease the width of a column or the height of a row, place the cursor on the line that separates the column or row headings.
You can also change the column width using the cursor,
1. Place the cursor on the line between the B and C column headings.  The cursor should look like the one displayed here, with two arrows.
Active cell
            The Active cell with the dark  border around it. Cells are referred to by their column/row coordinate(called the cell’s address). The cell that is active in this image is cell A1. You can move around two different cells by using the mouse, the arrow keys, the tab key (horizontally) or the enter key (vertically).
          The cursor appears as a white, block (plus) (+) sign as you move it around on the spreadsheet. You can’t enter text when the cursor appears like this. Instead you must first click in the cell where you wish to add or edit data.
            Next to the horizontal scrool bar you will notice three tabs labeled Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. When you start Excel, the program opens to a blank spreadsheet called Book 1. Each book contain multiple sheets. It is similar to a workbook that contains multiple pages. When you save your book , you will be able to rename it to whatever you like.
            To move from one sheet to the next with in a book, simply click on the tab of the sheet that you wish to work.

Basic data types
             In a spreadsheet there are three basic type of data that can be entered.
Labels – (text with no numerical value)
Constants – (just a number – constant value)
Formulas* - (a mathematical equation used to calculate ) Formulas OR Functions MUST BEGIN with an equal sign(=).
Constant                                      Data
Referenced Data
= A1 * B3
= A3 / B2
= B2 + A2
= A3- B1

Data types

Name or wage or Days
Anything that is text
5 or 3.75 or -7.4
Any number
=5+3 or = 8*5+3
Math equation

Spreadsheets have may Math functions built into them.  Of the most basic operations are the standard multiply, divide, add and subtract.  Thee operations follow the order of operations (just like algebra).

For these following examples let’s consider the following data:
A1 (column A, row 1) = 5
A2 (column A, row 2)=  7
A3 (column A, row 3) = 8
B1 (column B, row 1) = 3
B2 (Column B, row 2) = 4
B3 (column B, row 3) = 6
Selecting cells in an equation is a very important concept of a spreadsheet.  We need to know how t references the data in other parts of the spreadsheet.  When entering your selection you may use the keyboard or the mouse.
            We can select several cells together if we can specify a starting cell and a stopping cell.  This will select ALL the cells with this specified BLOCK cells.
            If the cells that we want to work with are not together (non-contiguous cells) we can use the comma to separate the cells or by holding down the control-key (command key on a machine) and selecting cells or block of cells the comma will be inserted automatically to separate these chunks of data.

SUM : Probably the most popular function in any spreadsheet is the SUM function.  The Sum function takes all of the values in each of the specified cells and totals their values.
The syntax is: =SUM 9first value, second value etc)

The Auto sum Icon
            The Auto Sum Icon on the Standards toolbar automatically creates a SUM function.
            In the first and second spots you can enter any of the following (constant, cell, range of cells) blank cells will return a value of zero to be added to the total. Text cells cannot be added to a number and will produce an error.


We will look at several different specific examples that show how the typical function can be used!  Notice that in A4 there is a TEXT entry.  This has NO numeric value and cannot be included in a total.
Example                                              Cells to ADD                                      Answer
= sum (A1:A3)                                    A1, A2, A3                                         150
= sum (A1: A3, 100)                           A1, A2, A3 and 100                           250
=sum (A1+A4)                                    A1, A4                                                            # VALUE
= sum (A1:A2, A5)                             A1, A2, A5                                         75       

      The  average function finds the average of the specified data. (Simplifies adding, all of the indicated cells together and dividing by the total number of cells.) The syntax is an follows: = Average (first value, etc.)
Text fields and blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Average Function.
Min:  (This stands for minimum).  This will return the smallest (min) value in the selected range of cells.
Blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Min Function.
Text entries are not included in the calculations of the Min Function.
Count:  This will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data) in the selected range of cells.
Blank entries are not counted.  Text entries are not counted.
CountA:  This will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data OR text data) in the selected range of cells.
Blank entries are not counted.
Text entries are counted.
IF : The IF function will check the logical condition of a statement and return one value if true and a different valued if false
The syntax is =IF (condition, value-if-true, value-if-false)
Value returned may be either a number or text.  If value returned is text, it must be in quotes.

A                                                          B
1. Price                                                Over a dollar?
2. $.95                                                 No
3. $1.37                                               Yes
4. comparing #                                    returning #
5. 14000                                              0,08</TD<tr>
6. 8453                                                0.05

Typed into column B                           Compares                                Answer
=IF (A2>1, “Yes”, “No”)                       is (.95 > 1)                               No
=IF (A3>1, “Yes”, “No”)                       is (1.37 > 1)                             Yes
=IF (A5>10000, .08, .05)                      is (14000 > 10000)                  .08
=IF (A6>10000, .08, .05)                      is (8453 > 10000)                    .05

The PMT function returns the periodic (in this case monthly) payment for an annuity (in this case a loan). This is the PMT functions that was used for the are purchase in the first examples.  There are a few things that we must know in order for this function to work.  To calculate the loan we must know a combination of the followings:
(rate) interest rate per period
(nper) number of payments until repaid
(pv) present value of the money (for saving or investing)
(type) enter 0 or 1 to indicate when payments are due.
ie = PMT (rate, nper, pv, fv, type)
Equation goes into c7 =PMT(C4/12,C5,-C3)
C4 is the yearly interest and since it’s compounded monthly we divide by 12
C5 is the number of months (# of payments)
-C3 is the amount of money we have (borrow – negative)
            Note that the rate is per period.  If we have an annual interest rate of 9.6% and we are calculating monthly payments, we must divide the annual interest rate by 12 to calculate the monthly interest rate.
            Excel has most of the math and trig functions built into it.  If you need to use the SIN, COS, TAN functions, they can be typed into any cell.
Filling Cells Automatically
            You can use Microsoft Excel to automatically fill cells with information that occur in a series.  For examples, you can have word automatically fill in times, the days of the week or months of the year, years and other type’s o series.
Function Wizard
            In Excel there is a help tool for functions called the Function Wizard.
There are two way to get the function wizard..  if you look at the Standard Toolbar you can see the function wizard icon.
The other way to get to the function wizard is to go  the Menu INSERT- down to FUNCTION.
            Either way you get there, at this point Excel will list all of the functions available.  Upon choosing the function, Excel will prompt you for the information it needs complete the function.  Mini descriptions are available for each of the cells.  It is often necessary for you to understand the functions in order to be able to figure out these descriptions.
Fill Down
            Often we have several cells that need the same formula (in relationship) to the location it is to be typed into.  There is a shortcut that is called Fill down.  There are a number of ways to perform this operation.  One of the ways is to select the cell that has the original formula hold the shift key down and click on the last cell (in the series that needs the formula) under the edit menu go down to fill and over to down.

Absolute positioning
            Sometimes it is necessary to keep a certain position that is not relative to the new cell location.  This is possible by inserting a $ before the Column letter or a $ before the Row number (or both).  This is called Absolute Positioning.
Formatting Text
            Spreadsheets an be pretty dry, so we need some tools to dress them up a little.  We an use most of the tricks in our word processor to do the formatting of text.  We can use: bold face, italics, underline, change the color, align (left, right, center), font size, font etc.
            We need to select the cell (or group of cells) that we wish to change the formatting and then go from the FORMAT menu-down to CELLS- click on FONT.  Here is a picture of what you will see there.  Notice that you can choose to change the alignment as well as several other options.
Inserting a column
            We can insert a column into an existing spreadsheet.  What you must do is to click on the column label (letter) and choose in Columns from the Insert menu.  This will insert a column immediately left of the selected column.
Inserting a Row
we can also insert rows.  With the row label (number) selected you must choose the Row from the Insert menu. Again this will insert a row before the row you have selected.
Charts or graphs
Numbers can usually be represented quicker and to  a larger audience in a picture format.  Excel has a chart program built into its main program. The Chart Wizard will sep you through question that will (basically) draw the chart from the data that you have selected.  There are many types of charts. The two most widely used are the bat chart and the pie chart.
The BAR Chart is usually used to display a change (growth or decline) over a time period.   You can quickly compare the numbers of two different bar charts to each other.  The PIE chart is usually used to look at what makes up a whole something.


Microsoft Word, popular word processing software, is part of a suite of application programs developed by Microsoft.  The basic Microsoft Office package comes with Word, Excel (spreadsheet), and PowerPoint (presentation software).  The Office Pro package also comes with a database program (Microsoft Access) and an organizer (Microsoft Outlook).  Because Microsoft manufactures all of these programs, you can easily import information from any one program into another.

            Title bar is located at the very top of the screen.  On the Title bar, Microsoft word displays the name of the document you are currently using.  At the top of our screen, you can see “Microsoft Word- Document1” or a similar name.
            The Menu Bar: The Menu bar is directly below the Title bar and it displays the menu.  The menu begins with the word File and continues with Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table, Window, and Help.  You use the menu to give instructions to the software.  Point with your mouse to the menu option and click the left mouse button to open a drop down menu.  You can use the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the drop down menu.  To select an option, highlight the item on the drop-down menu and press Enter.  An ellipse after a menu item signifies additional options; if you select that option, a dialog box will appear.
The Standard Toolbar
The Formatting Toolbar
Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands.  Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar.

The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars.  The ruler is used to change the format of your document quickly.

            With word, you can display your document in one of four views: Normal, Outline, Page Layout or Online Layout.
1.                  Normal View:
Normal view is the most often used and shows such formatting as line spacing, font, point size and italics.  Multiple-column text is displayed in one continuous column.
2.                  Outline view
Outline view displays the document in outline form.  Headings can be displayed without the text.  A heading can be moved and the accompanying text moved with it.
3.                  Page Layout view
The Print Layout view shows the document as it will look when it is printed.
4.                  Online Layout view
The Online Layout view optimizes the document for online viewing (viewing the document in a browser.

                        Just below the ruler there is a large area called the “text area”.  You type your document in the text area.  The blinking vertical line in the upper left corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the insertion point.  As you type, your work will show at the cursor location.  The horizontal line next to the cursor marks the end of the document.
                        The horizontal and vertical scroll bars. If turned on, enable you to move and down or across the window simply by pressing the icons located on the scroll bars.  The Horizontal scroll bar is located above the Status bar.  The vertical scroll bar is loxated along the right side of the screen.


                        When word is started am empty document windows is displayed.  It will be called Document 1 until you save it. <Ctrl+N>

Open File
                        To continue working on a file you previously saved, you must open the file.  To open the file:
1.                  Click on File.
2.                  Highlight Open. Press Enter.
3.                  Make sure the folder you save the file.
4.                  The file is named “Myfile.doc”. Click on Open.
5.                  The file you created appears.
Click on the Bold icon on the toolbars for bold letters.  Click on the Underline icon on the toolbar.  You will get an underlined letters.  Click on the Italic icon on the toolbars for italic letters.
Font Size
In Microsoft Word, you can change the size of your font (text).  For this select the line, word, paragraph or the whole document and use the select font size in the Formatting Toolbar.
In Microsoft Word, you can change the font (the “family” of type you use for your text).  For this select the line, word, paragraph or the whole document and use the select font in the Formatting Toolbar.

Cut and Paste
In Microsoft Word, you can cut (delete) text from one are of the document and save that text so it can be pasted elsewhere in the document.  When you cut text, it is stored on the Clipboard.  Information stored on the Clipboard stays there until new information is either cut or copied.  Each time you execute Cut or Copy, you replace the old information on the Clipboard with whatever you just cut or copied.  You can paste Clipboard information as often as you like.
Click on the Cut icon   or use Ctrl+X
Click on the Copy iconor use Ctrl+C
Click on the Paste icon or use Ctrl+V.

Undo & Redo
You can quickly undo most commands you execute by using Undo.  If you then change your mind, you can use Redo.
Line spacing
Line spacing sets the amount of space between lines within a paragraph.  Single spacing is the default.  The spacing for each line is set to accommodate the largest font on that line.  If there are smaller fonts on the line, there will appear to be extra space between lines where the smaller fonts are located.  At 1.5lines, the Line Spacing is set to one-and-half times the single-space amount.  For double-spaced lines, the line spacing is set to two times the single-space amount.
Microsoft Word gives you a choice of several types of alignment.  Left-justified text is aligned on the left side.  It is the default settings
Click on the Align right icon  the paragraph should now be right aligned.
Click on the Align Left icon  the paragraph should bow be left aligned
Click on the Center icon the  text should now be centered
Click on the Justify icon  the text should now be justified.
Bullets and Numbering
In Microsoft Word, you can easily create bulleted or numbered lists of items.  Several bulleting and numbering styles are available.

1.      Highlight the list you typed.
2.      Click on the Numbering icon on the Formatting toolbar.
3.      Your list should now be numbered
1.      Highlight the list you typed
2.      Click on the Bullets icon   on the Formatting toolbar.
3.      You list should now be bulleted.

Creating a Table
To create a four-column, five-row table:
1.      Click on Table, which is located on the menu bar.
2.      Highlight Insert Table on the drop-down menu.
3.      Press Enter.
4.      Type 4 in the Number of Columns field.
5.      Type 5 in the Number of Rows field.
6.      Select Auto in the Column width field. Selecting Auto allows Microsoft Word to determine the size of your column widths.  Alternatively, you can enter the column width you desire.
7.      Click on OK.  Your table should look like the one show here, with four columns and five rows.
You can also create a table by clicking on the Insert Table icon on the Standard toolbar.
1.                  Click on the Insert Table icon.
Note: The Insert Table icon does not display on the toolbar if your cursor is collated on a table.  If you cannot find the Insert table icon, move your cursor outside of the table.
2.                  Highlight the number of rows and columns you need.  The maximum table size is a four-row by five-column table.
3.                  Press Enter (or Click) to create the table.

Spell Check
            Word checks your spelling and grammar as you type.  Spelling errors displays with a red wavy line under the word.  Grammar errors display with a green wavy line under the error.      
Press F7 or click on the Spelling icon     on the Standard Toolbar
Find and Replace
            If you need to find a particular word or piece of text.  You can use the Find command.  If you want to search the entire document.  Simply execute the Find command.  If you want to limit your search to a selected area, highlight that area and then execute the find command.            
Save File
            Until a document is saved it only exists in a temporary part of the computer called Memory.  You must save your document if you want to see it again after you close the program. Saving allows you to open the document at a later time for editing or archiving purposes.  And because computers can crash in the middle of writing, it’s important to save regularly.
Save your file by following these instructions:
<Ctrl + S> or follow the below method.
1.      Click the File
2.      Highlight Save As. Press Enter.
3.      Specify the correct folder in the Save in field.
4.      Name your file by typing Myfile.doc in the file Name field.
5.      Click on save.

Printing a Document
            <Ctrl + P>
Print preview
Print Preview is a quick way to view your whole document exactly how it is going to be printed.  Use the right hand scroll bar to advance or move back through the pages.  Use the Toolbars buttons to change how you see the document.  With your icon as a magnifying glass, you can click anywhere on the document and zoom in for a closer look.
Mail Merge
The easiest way to create a data source in Word is to use the Mail Merge command to start a main document.  After you’ve created the data source, you can delete the blank main document.  In a new document window, click Mail Merge (Tool menu), click Create, and then click Form Letters.  When word displays a message, click Active Window.  Then click Get Data and create a data source.

Creating a Form Letter
Create a new mail-merge data source in Word
Create a form letter:
1.      To use an existing letter as a form letter, open a letter.
2.      To create a new letter, click New on the File menu and then select a letter template.
3.      On the Tools menu, click Mail Merge.
4.      Click Create, click Form Letters, and then click Active Window.
5.      The active document becomes the mail-merge main document.

Creating a Data Source
1.      Click Get Data.
2.      2. To create a new list of names and addresses in Word, click Create Data Source, and then set up the data records.
3.      To use an existing list of names and addresses in a Word document or in a worksheet, database or other list, click Open Data Source.
4.      In the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, click Get data and then click Create Data Source.
5.      In the Field names in header row box, review the data fields.  Word will include in the data source all data fields in the Field names in header row box unless you delete or change them.
6.      To delete a field, click the field name in the field names in header row box, and then click Remove Field name.
7.      To add a field, type a new field name in the Field name box, and then click add Field Name.
8.      To change the order of the fields, click a field name in the Field names in header row box, and then click one of the arrow buttons.
9.      When the Field names in header row box contains all of the fields you need, click OK, and then save the data source.
10.  The Data Form dialogue box comes up
1.      when Word displays a message, click Edit Data Source.
2.      In the Data Form dialog box, type the information for each field, and then press <ENTER>
3.      If no information exists for a particular filed, press<ENTER> to skip the field.  Do not type spaces in the box.
4.      To start a new record, click Add New.
5.      To return to the main document after you’ve entered the information, click OK
Word will ask you to save changed to the data source when you close the main document.  To save changes to the data source before returning to the main document.
1.      Click View Source
2.      Click Save
To return to the main document.
1.      Click Mail Merge Main Document on the Database toolbar
Opening an Existing Data Source
1.      Click Get Data.
2.      To opening a file you have already created that contains the merge info (such as mailing address names), click Open Data Source
The Open Data Source dialogue box comes up.  It is similar to the Open dialogue box, but it presumes that you are looking for a database type file, so the file type list is limited to database and spreadsheet programs.
            If the file is not an MS Word document, change the Files of type” drop-down to the correct file type, or to All Files to see everything.
            If you choose an Excel that has filtering turned on, you have the option to select only the portion of the database that meets you filtering criteria.

Editing the Main Document
1.      After you designate the data source and Word displays a message, click Edit Main Document.
2.      In the Main document, type the text you want to appear in every form letter.
3.      Click where you want to insert a name, address, or other information that changes in each letter.  On the Mail Merge toolbar, click insert Merge Field, and then click the field name that you want.
4.      Select the filed names, one at a time, to place them in your document.
5.      After you insert all of the merge fields and complete the main document, click Mail Merge Helper on the Mail merge toolbar
6.      Click merge.
7.      In the merge to box, click Printer.
8.      To send the form letter only to selected addresses, click Query Options and then specify criteria for selecting the data records.
9.      Click Merge.
If you more information on executing a Microsoft Word commands, you can receive help at any time by pressing F1 or by clicking on Help on the Menu bar.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program.  It is used to organize, manipulate, and chart data and to perform calculations.  It can be used to create business plans, business forms, accounting worksheets and virtually any other document that contains calculated numbers.  Excel can also be used for statistical analysis.
You might have heard the terms “spreadsheet” and “Worksheet”.  People generally use them interchangeably.  To remain consistent with Microsoft and other publishers the term Worksheet refers to the row-and column matrix sheet on which you work upon, and the term spreadsheet refers to this type of computer application.  In addition, the term workbook will refer to the book of pages that is the standard Excel document.  The Workbook can contains worksheets, chart sheets or macro modules.
Title Bar: 
This bar lists the name of the program and the title of the current document.
Menu Bar:
This bar lists the headings for various drop-down menus.  Commands are grouped under each of theses headings in the drop-down menus according to function.
Standard Toolbar :-
This toolbars contains shortcuts to some of the most frequently used commands from the menu bar.
Formatting Toolbars:
This toolbar contains shortcuts to some of the most frequently used commands found under the FORMAT menu item.
Formula Bar:
This bar displays the location of the active cell and its contents, including any formulas.
Formula bar displays t vblocation of the active cell and the value or formula used in the active cell.  The active cell is the ell with the dark border around it in the image of the Excel screen at the top of this page.  You may make any cell active by clicking in it.
The value window (the window next to the = sign) displays the contents of the active cell.  This could be a simple number like 4 than or something as complex as a formula like A4*B4/C4.  you can edit the contents of the active cell by clicking in the value window, deleting its currents and entering in a new value.
Rows, Columns and Sheets
Spreadsheets are made up of Columns Rows And their intersections are called cells.
The Excel worksheet contains 65536 rows that extend down the worksheet, numbered 1 through 65536
The Excel worksheet can contain as many as 256 sheets,  labeled Sheet 1 through Sheet 256. 
Text (labels)
Number data (constants)
Formulas (mathematical equations that do all the work)
In a spreadsheet the COLUMN is define as the vertical spaces that us going up and down the window Letters are used to designate each COLUMNS location.
            In a spreadsheet the ROW us defined as the horizontal space that is going across the window.  Numbers are used to designate each ROW’s location.
            In a spreadsheet the CELL is defines as the space where a specified row and column intersect.  Each cell is assigned a name according to its COLUMN letter and ROW number.
Column and Row Headings
            The row containing letters that stretch across the spreadsheet are the column headings. Column headings represent the names of the columns.  The column containing
numbers that stretch down the spreadsheet are the row headings.
            Row headings represent the names of the rows.  You can select an entire column or row by clicking on its headings.  To increase or decrease the width of a column or the height of a row, place the cursor on the line that separates the column or row headings.
You can also change the column width using the cursor,
1. Place the cursor on the line between the B and C column headings.  The cursor should look like the one displayed here, with two arrows.
Active cell
            The Active cell with the dark  border around it. Cells are referred to by their column/row coordinate(called the cell’s address). The cell that is active in this image is cell A1. You can move around two different cells by using the mouse, the arrow keys, the tab key (horizontally) or the enter key (vertically).
          The cursor appears as a white, block (plus) (+) sign as you move it around on the spreadsheet. You can’t enter text when the cursor appears like this. Instead you must first click in the cell where you wish to add or edit data.
            Next to the horizontal scrool bar you will notice three tabs labeled Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. When you start Excel, the program opens to a blank spreadsheet called Book 1. Each book contain multiple sheets. It is similar to a workbook that contains multiple pages. When you save your book , you will be able to rename it to whatever you like.
            To move from one sheet to the next with in a book, simply click on the tab of the sheet that you wish to work.

Basic data types
             In a spreadsheet there are three basic type of data that can be entered.
Labels – (text with no numerical value)
Constants – (just a number – constant value)
Formulas* - (a mathematical equation used to calculate ) Formulas OR Functions MUST BEGIN with an equal sign(=).
Constant                                      Data
Referenced Data
= A1 * B3
= A3 / B2
= B2 + A2
= A3- B1

Data types

Name or wage or Days
Anything that is text
5 or 3.75 or -7.4
Any number
=5+3 or = 8*5+3
Math equation

Spreadsheets have may Math functions built into them.  Of the most basic operations are the standard multiply, divide, add and subtract.  Thee operations follow the order of operations (just like algebra).

For these following examples let’s consider the following data:
A1 (column A, row 1) = 5
A2 (column A, row 2)=  7
A3 (column A, row 3) = 8
B1 (column B, row 1) = 3
B2 (Column B, row 2) = 4
B3 (column B, row 3) = 6
Selecting cells in an equation is a very important concept of a spreadsheet.  We need to know how t references the data in other parts of the spreadsheet.  When entering your selection you may use the keyboard or the mouse.
            We can select several cells together if we can specify a starting cell and a stopping cell.  This will select ALL the cells with this specified BLOCK cells.
            If the cells that we want to work with are not together (non-contiguous cells) we can use the comma to separate the cells or by holding down the control-key (command key on a machine) and selecting cells or block of cells the comma will be inserted automatically to separate these chunks of data.

SUM : Probably the most popular function in any spreadsheet is the SUM function.  The Sum function takes all of the values in each of the specified cells and totals their values.
The syntax is: =SUM 9first value, second value etc)

The Auto sum Icon
            The Auto Sum Icon on the Standards toolbar automatically creates a SUM function.
            In the first and second spots you can enter any of the following (constant, cell, range of cells) blank cells will return a value of zero to be added to the total. Text cells cannot be added to a number and will produce an error.


We will look at several different specific examples that show how the typical function can be used!  Notice that in A4 there is a TEXT entry.  This has NO numeric value and cannot be included in a total.
Example                                              Cells to ADD                                      Answer
= sum (A1:A3)                                    A1, A2, A3                                         150
= sum (A1: A3, 100)                           A1, A2, A3 and 100                           250
=sum (A1+A4)                                    A1, A4                                                            # VALUE
= sum (A1:A2, A5)                             A1, A2, A5                                         75       

      The  average function finds the average of the specified data. (Simplifies adding, all of the indicated cells together and dividing by the total number of cells.) The syntax is an follows: = Average (first value, etc.)
Text fields and blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Average Function.
Min:  (This stands for minimum).  This will return the smallest (min) value in the selected range of cells.
Blank entries are not included in the calculations of the Min Function.
Text entries are not included in the calculations of the Min Function.
Count:  This will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data) in the selected range of cells.
Blank entries are not counted.  Text entries are not counted.
CountA:  This will return the number of entries (actually counts each cell that contains number data OR text data) in the selected range of cells.
Blank entries are not counted.
Text entries are counted.
IF : The IF function will check the logical condition of a statement and return one value if true and a different valued if false
The syntax is =IF (condition, value-if-true, value-if-false)
Value returned may be either a number or text.  If value returned is text, it must be in quotes.

A                                                          B
1. Price                                                Over a dollar?
2. $.95                                                 No
3. $1.37                                               Yes
4. comparing #                                    returning #
5. 14000                                              0,08</TD<tr>
6. 8453                                                0.05

Typed into column B                           Compares                                Answer
=IF (A2>1, “Yes”, “No”)                       is (.95 > 1)                               No
=IF (A3>1, “Yes”, “No”)                       is (1.37 > 1)                             Yes
=IF (A5>10000, .08, .05)                      is (14000 > 10000)                  .08
=IF (A6>10000, .08, .05)                      is (8453 > 10000)                    .05

The PMT function returns the periodic (in this case monthly) payment for an annuity (in this case a loan). This is the PMT functions that was used for the are purchase in the first examples.  There are a few things that we must know in order for this function to work.  To calculate the loan we must know a combination of the followings:
(rate) interest rate per period
(nper) number of payments until repaid
(pv) present value of the money (for saving or investing)
(type) enter 0 or 1 to indicate when payments are due.
ie = PMT (rate, nper, pv, fv, type)
Equation goes into c7 =PMT(C4/12,C5,-C3)
C4 is the yearly interest and since it’s compounded monthly we divide by 12
C5 is the number of months (# of payments)
-C3 is the amount of money we have (borrow – negative)
            Note that the rate is per period.  If we have an annual interest rate of 9.6% and we are calculating monthly payments, we must divide the annual interest rate by 12 to calculate the monthly interest rate.
            Excel has most of the math and trig functions built into it.  If you need to use the SIN, COS, TAN functions, they can be typed into any cell.
Filling Cells Automatically
            You can use Microsoft Excel to automatically fill cells with information that occur in a series.  For examples, you can have word automatically fill in times, the days of the week or months of the year, years and other type’s o series.
Function Wizard
            In Excel there is a help tool for functions called the Function Wizard.
There are two way to get the function wizard..  if you look at the Standard Toolbar you can see the function wizard icon.
The other way to get to the function wizard is to go  the Menu INSERT- down to FUNCTION.
            Either way you get there, at this point Excel will list all of the functions available.  Upon choosing the function, Excel will prompt you for the information it needs complete the function.  Mini descriptions are available for each of the cells.  It is often necessary for you to understand the functions in order to be able to figure out these descriptions.
Fill Down
            Often we have several cells that need the same formula (in relationship) to the location it is to be typed into.  There is a shortcut that is called Fill down.  There are a number of ways to perform this operation.  One of the ways is to select the cell that has the original formula hold the shift key down and click on the last cell (in the series that needs the formula) under the edit menu go down to fill and over to down.

Absolute positioning
            Sometimes it is necessary to keep a certain position that is not relative to the new cell location.  This is possible by inserting a $ before the Column letter or a $ before the Row number (or both).  This is called Absolute Positioning.
Formatting Text
            Spreadsheets an be pretty dry, so we need some tools to dress them up a little.  We an use most of the tricks in our word processor to do the formatting of text.  We can use: bold face, italics, underline, change the color, align (left, right, center), font size, font etc.
            We need to select the cell (or group of cells) that we wish to change the formatting and then go from the FORMAT menu-down to CELLS- click on FONT.  Here is a picture of what you will see there.  Notice that you can choose to change the alignment as well as several other options.
Inserting a column
            We can insert a column into an existing spreadsheet.  What you must do is to click on the column label (letter) and choose in Columns from the Insert menu.  This will insert a column immediately left of the selected column.
Inserting a Row
we can also insert rows.  With the row label (number) selected you must choose the Row from the Insert menu. Again this will insert a row before the row you have selected.
Charts or graphs
Numbers can usually be represented quicker and to  a larger audience in a picture format.  Excel has a chart program built into its main program. The Chart Wizard will sep you through question that will (basically) draw the chart from the data that you have selected.  There are many types of charts. The two most widely used are the bat chart and the pie chart.
The BAR Chart is usually used to display a change (growth or decline) over a time period.   You can quickly compare the numbers of two different bar charts to each other.  The PIE chart is usually used to look at what makes up a whole something.


Power Point is a powerful tool for communicating ideas and information. It is used for classroom lessons, sales presentations, training sessions, and any situation in which information is presented to groups of people. PowerPoint allows you to place your content into a presentation, a series of computer generated “slides” which can then be projected for an audience, printed and distributed as handouts, published on the Internet or used in numerous other ways. PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package, that you can add text, various types of images, sound and even video clips to your presentation to help engage your audience.

Open PowerPoint.
Begin a new presentation by clicking BLANK PRESENTATION
Click Open an Existing Presentation.
           When you open PowerPoint, The PowerPoint dialog box opens, offering the option to create a new presentation or open one that already exists.
If PowerPoint is already open or this box does not appear, select- File>New from the menu bar. To open a PowerPoint presentation that you have already started:
            Choose the layout of the new slide.  These layouts include bulleted lists, graphs, and / or images.  Click on each thumbnail image and a description will be printed in the message box.  Highlight the layout you want and click OK.
            To add a design template or changing the existing one, select Format> Apply Design Template from the menu bar.\Select the template and click Apply.
            The toolbars contain graphically illustrated buttons that you click to perform specific tasks in a program.
            The Standard toolbar is located at the top of the PowerPoint window, below the menu bar.  It has buttons for common tasks such as saving, printing, checking spelling and inserting charts and tables.
            The Formatting toolbar is located just below the standard toolbar.  Most of its buttons are for formatting text.  Use these buttons to change the font type or size, make text bold or italic, indent text and insert bullets.
            The Drawing toolbar is located at the bottom of the PowerPoint window.  It has tools for drawing shapes, adding lines and curves and inserting text boxes and Word art.  It also has buttons for manipulating and formatting the objects you draw.
  1. Click the view menu, and then point to Toolbars
  2. In the submenu, click the check box next to animation effects.  An animation effects toolbars appears in the PowerPoint window,
            PowerPoint lets you remove toolbars you don’t need.  Try removing the animation effects toolbar you just activated.
  1. Click the View menu, and then point to Toolbar.
  2. In the submenu, click the check box next to animation effects to deselect it.
  3. The check mark disappears and the animation effects toolbar is removed from your PowerPoint window.
            PowerPoint gives you four screen layouts for working on your presentation.  You can change the page layout by clicking the buttons just above the formatting toolbar and the bottom of the page.
Normal View is best for putting together text and pictures.
            This screen is split into three sections showing the presentation outline on the left, the side in the main window and notes at the bottom.
Slide Sorter View:  A small image of each slide is displayed in Slide Sorter View.  Slides can be moved around by dragging them.
Click Slide Show View to view the full slide show.  Or (press F5)
            The Title Slide Layout contains text boxes for a title and subtitle.  Try typing text into these boxes.
  1. Click in the Title text box.  A thick gray border appears around the text box indicating that it is selected.
  2. Type a title.
  3. Click the Subtitle text box and type a subtitle.
Adding New Text to a Slide
  1. Click INSERT>TEXT BOX or
  2. Click the textbox icon on the toolbar
“Draw” the text box on the slide by holding down the left mouse button while you move the mouse until the box is the size you want it.
            Correct the spelling in the presentation by selecting Tools > Spelling from the menu bar
The spell checker will prompt you to make corrections.
            If the word is spelled correctly, click Ignore or Ignore All if the same word appears several times during the presentation.
            If the word is spelled wrong, highlight one of the Suggestions or type own revision in the Change to box.  Click Change.
When the spell checker has finished you will see a window telling you that the spelling check is complete. Click OK.
1.                                          Click the New Slide button from the Standard toolbar>Insert> New slide.
Select Format > Slide Color Scheme from the menu bar.
Click one of the preset color schemes in the Color schemes box.
To make changes to the color scheme, click the Custom tab on the dialog box.  Change the colors by selecting a color and clicking the Change color button.
Highlight one of the colors from the Text and Line Color window or select the Custom tab to view more colors choices and click OK when finished.
When you have finished, click Apply to all to apply the color scheme to all the slides in the presentation or Apply to add the scheme only to the current slide.
            To add background colors and pattern to a slide.
            Select Format> Background from the menu bar.  Select a color from the drop-down menu below Background fill or choose More colors for a larger selection.
§     Select one color and select the color from the Color 1 drop-down menu.
§     Choose two colors and select those colors from the Color1 and Color2 drop-down menus.
§     Preset provides a selection of color combinations
§     Select the type of gradient from shading styles
Click one of the four Variants of the styles chosen.
            From the Texture window, select a background or click Other Texture to select an image from a file.
            Select a two-time pattern by clicking one of the patterns and selecting the Foreground and Background colors.
Click the Select Picture button to choose a picture from a file
Click OK to apply the changes made from the Fill effects windows\Click Apply to all to add the changes to every slide or Apply to make changes only to the current slide.
You can add clip arts pictures and auto shapes to your presentation.
            Select Slide Show> Custom Animation from the menu bar
            Select the Object on the slide that will be animated from the Check to animate slide objects list
Under the Effects tab, select the animation type and direction from the drop-down menus and select a sound if you wish.
§     Select Slide Show> Slide Transition from the menu bar
§     From the Effect section, choose a transition from the drop-down and notice the preview after the transition is selected.  Select a speed for the transition as well.
            The Auto content wizard is a good option for creating a presentation if you are a beginner.  The Auto content Wizard offers suggestions for templates to use and types of content to put in.  This option is also goof if you are in hurry and want to create a presentation quickly.
The Auto content wizard will guide you through some simple steps.
1)                  Read the information on the start screen, then click Next
2)                  In the next dialog box, select the type of presentation you want to give, and then click Next to advance to the next dialog box.
3)                  Continue entering options until you reach the Finish step.
4)                  Click Finish
The Auto content Wizard will display your presentation in Outline View.  The outline is made up of sample slides, each of which has a suggestions for the type of information that should be entered in the slide.  You can customize the information in the slides in their Outline View or Slide View.


             A database system is an overall collection of different database software components and databases consisting of Database Application Programs, Front End components (belonging to client systems), Database Management System and databases.

              A database  application program is special purpose software designed and developed for solving the problems of a business firm by users or possibly by third party software companies. Front End components are general-purpose software capable of managing client-side operations of a database system designed and implemented by either the  database company or delivered as third party software.For example, Developer 2000 is a Front-End component of Oracle Database company while Visual Basic and Power Builder are third – party Front End tools.Userscan manage and query data within the database by using database application programs and front – end
               The tools. job of DBMS is to manage data stored in a database. A database is viewed as a collection of data that logically belongs together from the user’s prespective and a database is simply a series of bytes stored on a disk from the DBMS perspective. Whatever be the perspective, a database system has to provide the folloing services or features as the case may be,
v    A variety of user interfaces
v    Physical data independences
v    Logical data independence
v    Query optimization
v    Data integrity
v    Concurrency control
v    Backup and recovery
v    Security and Authorization
              A database is a collection of information related to a particular subject or purpose,such as tracking customer orders or maintaining a music collection. If  your database isn’t stored a computer, or only parts of it are, your may be tracking information  from a variety of sources that you have to coordinate and organize yourself.


                            Using Microsoft Access, you can manage all your information from a single database fill. Within the fill, divide your data into separate storage containers called tables; view, add and update table data using online forms; find and retrieve 
      Just the data you wand using queries ; and analyze or print data in a specific layout using reports.    

                             To store data, create one table for each type of information you track. To bring the data from multiple tables together in a query, for, or report, you define relationship between the tables      

To find and retrieval just the data that meets condition you specify, including data from tables, create a query. A query can also update or delete multiple records at the same time, and perform built- in or custom calculations on your data

DATA MANIPULATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

            To easily view, enter, and change data directly in a table, create a form. When you open a from, Microsoft access retrieves the data from one or more tables and display it on screen using the layout you choose in the Form Wizard or using a layout that you created from scratch.

            To analyze your data or present it in a certain way print, create a report. For example, you might print one report that groups data and calculated totals, and another report with different data formatted for printing mailing labels.

            The notation of Relational Database management Systems-RDBMS was first introduced by E.F Codd in his articles “A Relational Model for Large Shared Data Banks” in 1970.  in contrast to earlier network and hierarchical database systems, RDBMS are based upon the relational data model, which has a strong mathematical background, that is RDBMS are based upon relational algebra, which is a collection of operations that are used to manipulate relations.
            The central concept of the relational data model is the relation-that is, a table.  Therefore, from the user’s point of view, a relational database contains tables and nothing but tables.  In a table there are one or more columns and zero or more rows. At every row or column position in a table there is always exactly on data value.  Each table in a database has a unique name that identifies its contents.  The row or record in the table is called tuple.  The column or field is called attributes.
            A DBMS can be regarded as relational only if it obeys a set of 12 rules formulated by Dr.E.F.Codd. the rules are:
1. The information rule
            All information should be represented as data values in the rows or columns of a table.
2. The guaranteed access rule
            Every item of data must be logically addressable by specifying a combination of table name, the primary key value and the column name.
3. The systematic treatment of null values
            It is fundamental to the DBMS that null values are supported in the representation of missing and inapplicable information.  This support for null values must be consistent throughout the DBMS and independent of data types.  For example, a null value in a CHAR field must mean same as null value in an INTEGER or DATE field.
4. The database description rule
            A description of the database is held and maintained using the same logical structures used to define the data, thus allowing authorized users to query such information in the same way and using the same language as they would do for any other data in the database.
5. The comprehensive sub-language rule
A relational DBMS must support atleast one language,
a. Whose statements can be expressed as character strings conforming to some well    defined syntax.
b. Which is comprehensive and supports all of the following
o        Data Definition
o        Data Manipulation
o        View definition
o        Integrity constraints\Authorization or data control
o        Transaction boundaries (commit rollback)
6. The view update rule
            All views that can be updated in theory can also be updated by the system.  It is possible to create views in all sorts of illogical ways and with all sorts of virtual columns.  It is not possible to update through some of them.  For example, if you define a virtual column in a view as A * B where A and B are columns in a base table, then you cannot perform an update on that virtual column directly.
7. The insert, update and delete rule
            The capability of handling bas relation, or in fact a delivered relation, as a single operand must hold good for all retrieve, insert, update and delete activity.  Retrieval of data can deal with a set of rows.  Other operations can also be deal with a set of rows.
1.                  The Physical data independence rule
Application programs and terminal activators remain logically impaired whenever any changes are made in either storage representations or storage methods.  For examples, if an index is built or destroyed by the DBA on a table, any user should still retrieve the same data from the table.
9. The Logical data independence rule
            Application programs and terminal activities remain logically unimpaired whenever any information preserving changes of any kind, that theoretically permitted, are made to the base tables.
10. Integrity independence rule
            Integrity constraints specific to be particular relational database must be definable in the relational data sub-language rule and stored in the database as data in tables.
The following integrity rules should apply to every relational database
o        No component of a primary key can have null values- this is the basic rule of entity integrity.
o        For each distinct foreign key value there must exist a primary key value in the same domain-this rule ensure referential integrity.
11. Distribution independence rule
            A relational DBMS must have distribution independence.  This rule states that applications running on a non-relational database must remain logically unimpaired t that data should then become distributed.
12. Non Subversion rule
            If a relational system has a low level language, that low level language cannot be used to subvert or bypass the integrity rules and constraints expressed in the higher relational language.

Data structure of an RDBMS showing the keys:              




                                                                                                               Concatenated Key

                                                                                                   Foreign Key
Candidate Key

           A key is a single attribute or combination of two or more attributes of an entity set that is used to identify one more instances of that set. In fig. The attribute ‘item number’ uniquely identifies an instance of the entity set is termed as Primary Keys.
            When a single attribute cannot identify a row uniquely but a combination of attribute can uniquely identify a row, then such combinations of attributes are termed as concatenated keys or composite keys.
            If we add additional attribute to a primary key, the resulting combination would still uniquely identify an instance of the entity, set, such augmented keys are called super keys.  A primary key is therefore, a minimum super key.  For example in customer entity set, customer name can also uniquely identify that particular customer apart from customer.  Here we have more than one attribute that uniquely identify an instance of an entity set.  These attributes are called candidate keys.
            In such cases we must decide which of the candidate keys will be used as primary key.  The remaining could be considered as Alternate keys.
            A Secondary Key is an attribute or combination of attributes that may not be a candidate key but that classifies the entity set on a particular characteristic.  A case important is the entity set COSTOMER having the attribute ‘country’ which identifies by its value all instances of customers who belong to country, so the country attribute is not a candidate key for the entity set CUSTOMER, since it cannot uniquely identify an individual; customer.  However the ‘country’ attribute does identify all customers belonging to a given country.
An attribute in one table whose values matches the primary key in some other table is called a Foreign Key. For example, the ‘customer number’ in transaction table refers to the values in ‘customer number’ column in customer table.
            Designing a database is a very important phase in a database life cycle, which precedes all other phases except the requirements collection and analysis.  If the database design in created merely intuitively and without any plan, the resulting database will most likely not meet the user requirements concerning performance.  Another consequence of a bad database design is superfluous data redundancy, which itself has two disadvantages, the existence of data anomalies and the use of an unnecessary amount of disk space.
            Normalization theory is build around the concept of normal forms.  Normalization reduces redundancy.  Redundancy is unnecessary repetition of data.  It can cause problems with storage and retrieval of data.  During the process of normalization, dependencies can be identified, which can cause problems during deletion and updation.  Normalization helps in simplifying the structure of tables.  There are four levels of Normalization.
            For easier understanding of the first normal form, consider an example.  One employee has different project codes.  Hence the project code is said to be functionally dependent on the attribute Ecode.  Now consider an un-normalized data that is represented in the following table.









A relational Model does not permit or support such un-normalize tables. The data table must be present atleast in the first normal form, which appears as shown in the table.








Second normal Form
            In the previous normal dorms it was noted hat there was redundancy of data, and hence the table was decomposed without any loss of information.  The problems encountered here were:
| Insertion: Employee details cannot be recorded until the employee is assigned a project.
| Updation: The employee code and department is repeated.  Hence if an employee is transferred to another department, these changes must be reflect everywhere.  Any omission will lead inconsistencies.
| Deletion: If an employee completed his project, his record will be deleted and details pertaining to that employee lost.

From the table given below easier understanding in enabled.

It should be noted that for a table to be in the second form it should also be in he first normal form and every attribute in the record should functionally depend on the primary key.
Third normal Form
            A table is said to be in the third normal form if it in second normal form and every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on just the primary key.  The primary key here is Ecode.  The attribute dept-code is dependent on dept.  There is an indirect dependence on the primary key, which has to be noticed.  It is illustrated in the following table.
Even here it was noted hat there were problems during insertion, updation ad deletion.  The relation is thus reduced as shown in the following table.

Each no-key attribute is wholly dependent only on the primary key.
            Collections of tables are called a database.  Suppose a company contains employee and their department details.  To create a database on this data, as per normalization rules we need two tables.
Emp Table
Dept. Table
So to create a database the following steps are followed.
1.                  Select new from the File menu
2.                  Select Database and press OK
3.                  Select the folder, filename and click Create.
Now your database has been successfully created
            Other way you can create database user database wizard.  In which tou have to select the type of database to want to create.  The wizard will provide you the different types of table in that particular Database.  You need to select just the table names you want to add into your database.  The following steps to be followed to create a database using wizard.
1.                  Select new from File menu as above
2.                  See the following window.  Select the Database Tab.
3.                  Choose inventory Control for example, click OK.
4.                  Select the folder and File name
6.                  Next
8.                  Select the tables and check the fields you want to create. Click Next
10.              Select the style from the wizard
11.              select the report style
12.              Enter the title of the database to be created
13.              Click Finish
14.              Enter the Company details
15.              Click the Close Button
16.              The following are the objects created by MS Access Database Wizard
17.              Use the following window to use the database to view, add, delete records
            A table is a collection of data about a specific topic, such as products or suppliers.  Using a separate table for each topic means that you store hat data only once, which your database more efficient, and reduces data entry errors.
Employee and Department Table.
DEPT Table
Dept No
Department Name
EMP Table
Emp No
Employee Name
Dept. No
Table organize data into columns (called Fields) and rows (called Records)
            Each field in the EMP table contains the same type of information for every employee, such as Employee’s name.
            Each record in the EMP able contains all the information about one employee, such an Employee Name, Dept No, Salary and so on.
            A common field relates two tables so that Microsoft access can bring together the data from the two tables for viewing, editing or printing
DEPT Table
Dept No
Department Name
In the department table you enter a Department No, Department name and so on for each department.
EMP Table
Emp No
Employee Name
Dept. No
Shaded columns are the common field, which relates two tables.
            In table design view you can create an entire table from scratch, or add, delete or customize the fields in an existing table
            In table Datasheet view you can add, edit, view or otherwise work with the data in a data in a table.  You can also display reorder from tables that are related to the current table by displaying sub datasheets with the main datasheet.  With some restrictions, you can work with the data in sub datasheets in many of the same ways that you work with data in the main datasheet.
1.                  If you haven’t already done so, switch to the Database window.  You can press F11 to switch to the Database window from any other window.
2.                  Click Tables under objects and then click New on the Database window toolbar
3.                  Double click Design View
4.                  Define each of the fields in your table.
To add a field to a table in Design View
i.                                                Open the table in design view
ii.                                                To insert the field within the table click in the row below where you want to add the field, and then click Insert Rows on the toolbar
iii.                                                To add the field to the end of the table, click in the first blank row
iv.                                                Click in the field Name column and type the name for the field, following MS Access object-naming rules.
v.                                                In the Data Type column, keep the default (Text) of click in the Data Type column, click the arrow and select the data type you want.
vi.                                                In the Description column, type a description of the information this field will contain.  This description is displayed on the status bar when adding data to the field and is included in the Object Definition of the table.  The description is optional.
vii.                                                If you want, set field properties for the field in the bottom part of the window.  If this is a linked table, you can’t add a new field in the current database.  If the linked table is MS Access table, you must open its source database to add a field.  If the linked table is form another application, you must open the source file with that application to add a field.
5.                  Define a primary key field before saving your table.
To set or change the primary key
i.                        Open a table in Design view
ii.                        Select the field or fields you want to define as the primary key
To select one field, click the row selector for the desired field.
To select multiple fields hold down the CTRL key and then click the row selector for each field.
§     You can specify a primary key for a field that already contains data, but MS Access generates a message when you  save the table if it finds duplicate values of Null values in the field.  If you encounter this message, you have three choices: use a Find Duplicates query to locate records with duplicate values of Null values and then edit the field to remove them; choose a different field; or add an Auto number field and set it as the primary key
§     In a multiple-filed primary key, field order may be important to you.  The fields in a multiple-fields primary key are sorted according to their order in table Design view.  If you want a different order, first specify the fields for Primary key as described in the preceding procedure, and then click Indexes on the toolbar to display the Indexes window and reorder the field names for the index named Primary Key.
§     You don’t have to define a primary key, but it’s usually a good idea.  If you don’t define a primary key, MS Access asks if you want it to create one for you when you save the table.
6.                  When you are ready to save your table, click Save on the toolbar, and then type a name for the table following MS Access object-naming rules.
i.                        In the Database window, click Tables under Objects
ii.                        Click the name of the table you want to open
iii.                        To open the table in Design view, click Design on the Database window  toolbar
To open the table in Datasheet view, click open on the Database window toolbar
            To open table in design view, go to the database window, click Tables under objects, select the table, and then click the Design button on the database window toolbar.  If the table is already open you can switch between Datasheet and Design view.

Click thus button to change to the view indicated by the button graphic.
            If you want to track additional data in a table, add more fields. If an existing field name isn’t descriptive enough, you can rename the field.
Add a field to a table by entering the field name and data type in the upper portion o Design view.

Rename the field by changing its name in the Field Name column.
            Setting a field’s data type defines what kind of values that you can enter into a field.  For example, you can’t enter text into a currency field, by choosing an appropriate data type, you can ensure that data is entered in the correct form for sorting, performing calculations and other operations.
            Field properties are a set of characteristics that provide additional control over how a field works.  For example, depending on your Regional Settings in Windows Control Pane, setting the Format property to Currency data type automatically adds commas, a dollar sign and two decimal places ($1,234.50)
You can use the Format property to customize the way numbers, dates, times and text are displayed and printed.  For example, if you’ve created a Price text box, you can set its Format property to Currency and its Decimal Places properly to 2 of Auto.  If you enter 4321.678 in the control, the number would be displayed as $4,321.68.
You can use one of the predefined formats or you can create a custom format by using formatting symbols.


You can use a unique tag called a primary key, to identify each record in your table.  Just as a license plate number identifies a car, the primary key uniquely identifies a record.
            A table’s primary key is used to refer to a table’s records in other tables.  For example the ProductID from the products table is used to refer to product information so that it can be viewed or printed with order information form the order and order details tables.
·                                 Open a Datasheet
·                                 Click New Record on the toolbar
·                                 Type the data you want, and then press TAB go to the next field.
·                                 At the end of the record, Press TAB to go to the next record
1.                                                      Open a Datasheet, or form in Form view
2.                                                      To edit data within a field, click in the field you want to edit
To replace the entire value, move the pointer to the leftmost part of the field until it changes into the plus pointer, and then click.
3.                                                      Type the text you want to insert
| If you make a typing mistake Press BACKSPACE key.  Choose a primary your changes in the current filed, press ESC.  If you want to cancel your changes in the entire record, press ESC again before you move out of the field.
| When you move to another record, Microsoft Access saves your changes
Resize rows in Data sheet view.
1)                  Open a table in datasheet view
Position the pointer between two record selectors at the left side of the datasheet, as shown in the following illustration.
2)                  Drag the edge of the row until the row is the desired height
·                                             Rest the pointer on the column boundary you want to move until it becomes, and then    drag the boundary until the column is the width you want.
§     To change a column width to a specific measurement, click a cell in the column.  On the   Table menu, click Table Properties and then click the Column tab, Choose the options you want.
§     To make the columns in a table automatically fit the contents, click a table, point to Auto fit on the Table menu, and then click Auto fit to Contents.
§     To display column width measurements, click a cell and then hold down ALT as you drag the markers on the ruler.
            You can use the Column Order property to specify the order of the columns in Datasheet view.
            The Column order property applied to all fields in Datasheet view and to form controls when the form is in Datasheet view.
            You can set this property by selecting a column in datasheet view and dragging it to a new position.
1.                                                      Open a table in Design view
2.                                                      Select the field or fields you want to define as the primary key.
To select one field, click the row selector for the desired field
To select multiple fields, hold down the CTRL key and then click the row selector for each field.
3.                                                      Click Primary Key on the toolbar
            After you’ve set up different tables for each subject in your Microsoft Access Database, you need a way of telling Microsoft Access how to bring that information back together again.  The first step in this process is to define relationship between your tables.  After you’ve done that, you can create queries, forms and reports to display information from several tables at once.  For examples, this form includes information from five tables.
            In the previous example, the fields in five tables must be coordinated so that they show information about the same order.  This coordination is accomplished with relationships between tables.  A relationship works by matching data in key fields-usually a field with the same name in both tables.  In most access these matching fields are the primary key from one table, which provides a unique identifier for each record, and a foreign key in the other table.  For example, employees can be associated with orders they’re responsible for by creating  a relationship between he Employees table and the Orders table using the EmployeeID fields.
            A one-to-many relationship is the most common type of relationship.  In a one-to-many relationship a record in Table A can have many matching records in Table B, but a record in Table B has only one matching record in Table A.
            In a many-to-many relationship, a record in Table A can have many matching records in Table B, and a record in Table B can have many matching records in Table A.  this type of relationship is only possible by defining a third table (called a junction table) whose primary key consists of two fields- the foreign keys from both Tables A and B.  A many-to-many relationship is really two 0ne-to-many relationships with a third table.  For example, the Orders table and the Products table have a many-to-many relationship that’s defined by creating two one-to-many relationships to the Order Details table.
            In a one-to-one relationship, each record in Table A can have only one matching record in Table B and each record in Table B can have only one matching record in Table A.  This type of relationship is not common, because most information related in this way would be in one table.  You might use a one-to-one relationship to divide a table with many fields, to isolate part of a table for security reasons, or to store information that applied only to a subset of the main table.  For example, you might want to create a table to track employees participating in a fundraising soccer game.
            You define a relationship by adding the tables that you want to relate to the relationships window, and then dragging the key field from one table and dropping it on the key field in the other table.
            The kind of relationship that Microsoft Access creates depends on how the related fields are defined.
§     A one-to-many relationship is created if only one of the related fields is a primary key or has a unique index.
§     A one-to-one relationship is created if both of the related fields are primary keys or have unique indexes.
§     A many-to-many relationship is really two one-to-many relationships with a third table whose primary key consists of two fields- the foreign keys from the two other tables.
1.                                                      Close any tables you have open.  You can’t create or modify relationships between open tables.\
2.                                                      If you haven’t already done so, switch to the Database window.  You can press F11 to switch to the Database window from any other window.
3.                                                      Click Relationships on the toolbar.
4.                                                      If you database doesn’t have any relationships defined the Show table dialog box will automatically be displayed.  If you need to add the tables you want to related and the Show Table dialog box isn’t displayed, click Show Table on the toolbar.  If the tables you want to relate are already displayed,  skip to step 6
5.                                                      Double-click the names of the tables you want to relate, and then close the Show Table dialog box.
6.                                                      Drag the field that you want to relate from one table to the related field in the other table.
To drag multiple fields, press the CTRL key and click each field before dragging them.
In most cases, you drag the primary key field (which is displayed in bold text) from one table to a similar field (often with the same name) called the foreign key in the other table.  The related fields don’t have to have the same names, but they must have the same data type (with two exceptions) and contain the same kind of information.  In addition, when the matching fields are Number fields, they must have the same Field Size property setting.  The two exceptions to matching data types are that you can math an Auto Number field with a Number field whose Field Size property is set to Long integer, and you can match an Auto number filed with a number field if both fields have their Field Size property set to Replication ID.
7.                                                      The Edit Relationships dialog box is displayed.  Check the field names displayed in the two columns to ensure they are correct.  You can change them if necessary.
Set the relationship option if necessary.  For information about a specific item in the Relationship dialog box, click the question mark button, and then click item.
8.                                                      Click the Create button to create the relationship
9.                                                      Repeat steps 5 through 8 for each pair of tables you want to relate.
When you close the Relationship window, Microsoft Access asks if you want to save the layout.  Whether you save the layout or not, the relationships you create are saved in the database.
1.                                          Close any tables you have open.  You can’t create or modify relationships between open tables.\
2.                                          If you haven’t already done so, switch to the Database window.  You can press F11 to switch to the Database window from any other window.
3.                                          Click Relationships on the toolbar.
4.                                          If the tables whose relationship you want to edit aren’t displayed, click show Table on the toolbar and double-lick each table you want to add.
5.                                          Double-click the relationship line for the relationship you want to edit.
6.                                          Set the relationship options.  For information about a specific item in the Relationship dialog box, click the question mark button, and then click the item.
1.                                          Close any tables you have open.  You can’t delete relationships between open tables
2.                                          If you haven’t already done so, switch to the Database window.  You can press F11 to switch to the Database window from any other window.
3.                                          Click Relationships on the toolbar.
4.                                          If the tables whose relationships you want to delete aren’t displayed, click Show Table on the toolbar and double-click each table you want to add.  Then click Close.
5.                                          Click the relationship line for the relationship you want to delete (the line will turn bold when it’s selected) and then press the DELETE key.
            Referential integrity is a system of rules that Microsoft Access uses to ensure that relationships between records in related tables are valid and that you don’t accidentally delete or change related data.  You can set referential integrity when all of the following conditions are met:
§     The matching field from the primary table is a primary key or has unique index.
§     The related fields have the same data type.  There are two exceptions.  An Auto number field can be related to a Number field with a Field Size property setting of Long integer, and an Auto number field with a Field size property setting of Replication ID can be related to a Number field with a Field Size property setting of Replication ID.
§     Both tables belong to the same Microsoft Access database,  if the tables are linked tables, they must be table in Microsoft Access format, and you must open the database in which they are stored to set referential integrity.  Referential integrity can’t be enforced for linked tables from databases in other formats.
When referential integrity is enforced, you must observe the following rules:
§     You can’t enter a value in the foreign key field of the related table that doesn’t exist in the primary key of the primary table.  However you can enter a Null value in the foreign key, specifying that the records are unrelated.  For example, you can’t have an order that is assigned to a customer that doesn’t exist, but you can have an order that is assigned to no one by entering a Null value in the CustomerID field.
§     You can’t delete a record from a primary table if matching records exist in a related table.  For example, you can’t delete an employee record from the Employees table if there are orders assigned to the employee in the Orders table.
§     You can’t change a primary key value in the primary table, if that record has related records.  For example, you can’t change an employee’s ID in the Employees table if that there are orders assigned to that employee in the Orders table.
If you want Microsoft Access to enforce these rules for a relationship, select the Enforce Referential Integrity check box when you create the relationship.  If referential integrity is enforced and you break one of the rules with related tables, Microsoft Access displays a message and doesn’t allow the change.
            You can override the restrictions against deleting or changing related records and still preserve referential integrity by setting the Cascade Update Related Fields and Cascade Delete Related Records check boxes.  When the Cascade Update Related Fields check box is set, changing a primary key value on the primary table automatically updates the matching value in all related records.  When the Cascade Delete Related Records check box is set, deleting a record in the primary table deletes any related records in the related table.

            For relationships in which referential integrity is enforced, you can specify whether you want Microsoft Access to automatically cascade update and cascade deleted records.  If you set these options delete and update operations that would normally be prevented by referential integrity rules are allowed.  When you delete records or change primary key values in a primary table, Microsoft Access makes necessary changes to related tables to preserve referential integrity.
            If you select the Cascade Update Related Fields check box when defining a relationship anytime you change the primary key of a record in the primary table, Microsoft Access automatically updates the primary key to the new value in all related records.  For example, if you change a customer’s ID in the Customers table, the customer ID field in the Orders table is automatically updated for every one of that customer’s orders so that the relationships isn’t broken.  Microsoft Access cascades updates without displaying any message.

Note   if the primary key in the primary table is an Auto Number field, setting the Cascade Update Related Fields check box will have no effect, because you can’t change the value in an Autonumber field.
            If you select the Cascade Delete Related Records check box when defining a relationship, any time you delete records in the primary table, Microsoft access automatically deletes related records in the related table. For example, if you delete a customer records from the customer table, all the customer’s orders are automatically deleted from the orders table (this includes records in the order details table related to the orders records). When you delete records from a form or datasheet with the C D R R check box selected, Microsoft access warns you that related records may also be deleted. However, when you delete records using a delete query, Microsoft Access automatically deletes the records in related tables without displaying a warning.
Queries: What they are and how they work
            You use queries to view, change and analyze data in different ways. You can also use them as the source of records for forms, reports, and data access pages.
Creating a query (Design View)
1.                                          From the Objects, Select Queries.
2.                                          Double click on Create Query in Design View.
3.                                          Show Table Dialogue Box appears.
4.                                          Select any one the table to query and click Add and then close.
5.                                          Now select Query dialog box appears.
6.                                          Lick an additional table or query if desired and then select the field you want to use from it. Repeat this step until you have all the fields you need.
7.                                          Follow the directions in the wizard dialog box. In the last dialog box, you can choose either to run the query or to see the query’s structure in Design View.
                           If the resulting query isn’t exactly what you want, you can rerun the wizard or change the query in Design View.
            The Simple Select Query Wizard creates queries that retrieve data from the fields you specify in one or more tables or queries.  If you want, the wizard can also sum, count and average values for groups of records or all records, and it can calculate the minimum or maximum value in field.  You can’t limit the records it retrieves by setting criteria, however.
1.                                          In the Database window, click Queries under Objects and then click New on the Database window toolbar
2.                                          In the New Query dialog box, click Simple Query Wizard
3.                                          Click OK
4.                                          Click the name of the table or query you want to base your Query on, and then select the fields whose data you want to retrieve.
5.                                          Click an additional table or query if desired, and then select the fields you want to use from it.  Repeat this step until you have all the fields you need.
6.                                          Follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes.  In the last dialog box you can choose either to run the equerry or to see the query’s structure in Design view.
If the resulting query isn’t exactly what you want, you can rerun the wizard or change the query in Design view.
1.                                          Open a query in design view
2.                                          On the toolbar, click Show Table
3.                                          In the Show Table dialog box, click the tab that lists the objects whose data you want to work with.  If the table you need is in another database or application, first link the table to the active database.
4.                                          Click the name of the object you want to add to the query.  To select additional objects one at a time hold down CTRL while you click each object name.  To select a block of objects, click the first name in the block, hold down SHIFT, and then click the last name in the block.
5.                                          Click ADD, and then click Close.
            In a query you add only those fields whose data you want to view, set criteria on, group by, update or sort.  In an advanced filter, you add only the fields you want to use for sorting or specifying criteria and Microsoft Access will automatically display all the fields in the filtered results
1.                                          Open a query in Design view, or open a form or datasheet and display the Advanced Filter / Sort window.
2.                                          In a query make sure the field list for the table or query containing the filed you want to add appears in the top portion of the window.  You can add a table or query if the field list you need isn’t in the query.
In the Advanced Filter/Sort window, Microsoft Access displays the field list for the underlying table, query or SQL statement automatically.  You can’t add more tables or queries to this window.
3.                                          Select one or more fields from the fields list and drag them to the column in the grid.
1)                                          Open a query in Design view
2)                                          Click the first Criteria cell for the field you want to set criteria for.
3)                                          Enter the criteria expression by typing it or by using the Expression Builder.  To display the Expression Builder, right-click in the criteria cell and then click Build.
If your query includes linked tables, the values you specify in criteria on fields from the linked tables are case-sensitive-they must math the case of the values in the underlying table.
            When you view a sub datasheet in a query, the Advanced Filter/Sort window contains the record source only for the selected sub datasheet.  To filter on fields contained in the main datasheet or in a different sub datasheet, close the Advanced Filter/Sort window, select the main datasheet or the sub datasheet on which you want to set filter criteria, and then reopen the Advanced Filter/Sort window.
4)                                          To enter another expression in the same field or in another field, move to the appropriate Criteria cell and enter the expression.
The Types of Queries:
§     Cross Tab
§     Update
§     Delete
§     Append
§     Make Table
            A Cross Tab query displays summarized values(sum, count and average) from one field in a table and groups them by one set of facts listed down the left side of the data sheet and another set of facts listed across the top of the datasheet.
            Cross Tab queries calculate a sum, average, count or other type of total for data that is grouped by two types of information-one down the left side of the datasheet and another across the top.
            You create a cross tab query with a wizard or from scratch in the query design grid.  In the design grid, you specify with field’s values will become column headings, which field’s values will become row headings, and which fields values to sum, average, count or otherwise calculate.
            Make global changes to a group of records in one or more tables.  For example you can raise prizes by 10percent for all diary products, or you can raise salaries by 5percent for the people within a certain job category.  With an update query, you can change data in existing tables.
Change records as a group using an update query:
a.                  Create a query, selecting the tables or queries that include the records you want to update and the fields you want to use for setting criteria.
b.                  In query design view, click the arrow next to Query Type on the toolbar, ad then click Update Query.
c.                   Drag from the filed list to the query design grid the fields you want to update or you want to specify criteria for.
d.                  In the Criteria cell, specify the criteria if necessary
e.                  In the update to cell for the records that will be updated, click view on the toolbar.  This list won’t show the new values.  To return to query Design view, click view on the toolbar again.  Make any changes you want in Design view
f.                    Click Run on the toolbar to update the records
Note: To stop a query after you star it, press CTRL+BREAK
            It deletes a group of records from one or more tables.  For example you could use a delete query to remove products that are discontinued or for which there are no orders.  With delete queries, you always delete entire records, not just selected fields within records.
About deleting a group of records with a query:
            You can use a single delete query to delete records from a single table, from multiple tables in one-to-one relationship, or from multiple tables in a one-to-many relationship, if cascading deletes are enabled.  However, if you need to include the ‘Many” table along with the “one” table, in order to add criteria, you must run the query twice, since a query can not delete records from the primary table and the related tables at the same time.
            You can distinguish a one-to-many relationship in query design view by looking at the joins between tables.  If one end of a join is marked with the infinity symbol;, it is one-to-many relationship.  If both ends are marked with a 1, it’s a one-to-one relationship.
Delete records by using a query that includes only the “one” table in a one-to-many relationship:
            When you run a delete query on the “one” table in a one-to-many relationship, and you’ve enabled cascading deletes for this relationship, Microsoft Access also deletes related records from the “man” side.
Drag the field that you want to relate from one table to the related field in the other table
a.                  Create a new query that contains the “one” table from which you want to delete records
b.                  In query design view click the arrow next to Query type on the toll bar and then click Delete Query.
c.                   Drag the asterisk (*) from the field list for the table to the query design grid
d.                  To specify criteria for deleting records, drag to the design grid the fields on which you want to set criteria.
Where appears in the Delete cell under this field as shown in the following illustration.
e.                  In the criteria cell for the fields that you have dragged to the grid type the criteria
f.                    To preview the records that will be deleted, click View on the toolbar.  To return to query design view click View on the toolbar again.  Make any changes you want in Design view.
g.                  Click Run on the toolbar to delete the records.
Note:  To stop a query after you start it press CTRL+ BREAK.
            It add  a group of records from one or more tables to the end of one or more tables.  For example, suppose that you acquire some new customers and a database containing a table of information on those customers.  To avoid typing, all this information in, you’d like to append it to your customer’s table.  Append queries are also helpful for.
§     Appending fields based on criteria.  For example you might want to append only the names and addresses of customers with outstanding orders.
§     Appending records when some of the fields in one table don’t exist in the other table.  For example, in the North wind sample database, the customers table has 11 fields.  Suppose that you want to append records from another table that has fields that match 9 of the 11 fields in the customers table.  An append query will append the data in the matching fields and ignore the others.
1.                                          Create a query hat contains the table whose records you want to append to another table
2.                                          In Query Design view, click the arrow next to Query Type on the toolbar, and then click Append.  The Append dialog box appears.
3.                                          In the Table Name box, enter the name of the table you ant to append records to.
4.                                          Click Current Database if the table is in the currently open database.  Or click Another Database and type the name of the database where are table is stored.  Type the path if necessary.  You can also enter a path a a Microsoft FoxPro, Paradox or Dbase database, or a connection string to an SQL database
5.                                          Click OK
6.                                          Drag from the fields list to the query design grid the fields you want to append and any fields you want to use for setting criteria.  Also. You may or may not want to add the primary key filed if it has an Auto number data type.
 If all the fields in both tables have the same names, you can just drag the asterisk (*) to the query design grid. However, if you’re working in a database replica, you’ will need to add all the fields instead.
                  7.   If the fields you’ve selected have the same name in both tables, Microsoft
                        Access automatically fills the matching name in the Append To row.
                         If the fields in the two tables don’t have the same name, in the Append To
                        row, enter the names of the fields in the table you’re appending to.
                 8.   In the Criteria cell for the fields that you have dragged to the grid, type the
                       Criteria on which additions will be made.
                 9       To preview the records that the query will Append, click View on the
toolbar. To return to query Design view, click view on the toolbar
again. Make any changes you want in Design view.
10.                                                  Click Run on the toolbar to add the records.
To stop a query after you start it, pres CTRL+BREAK.

5.  Make table Query
                    It creates a new table from all or part of the data in one or more tables. Make table queries are helpful for:
§     Creating a table to export to other Microsoft Access databases. For example, you                                                                                                                                          might want to create a table that contains several fields from your Employees table, and then export that table to a database used by your personnel department.
§     Creating data access pages that display data from a specified point in time.  For example, suppose you want to display a data access page on 15-may-96 that displays the first quarter’s sales totals based on the data that was in the underlying tables as of 9:00 Am on 1-Apr-96.  a data access page based on a query or SQL statement extracts the most up to date data from the tables (the data as on 15-may-96), rather than the records as a specific date and time.  To preserver the data exactly as it was at 9:00AM on 1-Apr-96, create a make-table query at that point in time to retrieve the records you need and store them in a new table.  Then use this table, rather than a query, as the basis for the data access page.
§     Making a backup copy of a table
§     Creating a history table that contains old records.  For example, you could create a table that stores all your old orders before deleting them from your current Orders table.
§     Improving performance of forms, reports and data access pages based on multiple-table queries of SQL statements.  For example, suppose you want to print multiple reports that are based on a five table query that includes totals.  You may be able to speed things up by first creating a make-table query that includes totals.  You may be able to speed things up by first creating a make-table query that retrieves the records you need and stores them in one table.  Then you can base the reports on this table or specify the table in an SQL, statement as the record source for a form, report, or data access page, so you don’t have to return the query for each report.  However, the data in the table is frozen at the time you run the make-table query.
1)                                          Create a query, selecting the tables or queries that contain the records you want to put in the new table.
2)                                          In the query Design view, click the arrow next to Query Type on the toolbar, and then click Make Table.  The Make Table dialog box appears.
3)                                          In the Table Name box, enter the name of the table you want to create of replace.
4)                                          Click Current Database to put the new table in the currently open database.  Or click another Database and type the name of the database you want to put the new table in.  type the path if necessary.
5)                                          Click OK
6)                                          Drag from the filed list to the query design grid the fields you want in the new table
7)                                          In the Criteria cell for the fields that you’ve dragged to the grid, type the criteria.
8)                                          To preview the new table before you create it, click View on the toolbar.  To return to query Design view and make changes or run the query click View on the toolbar.
9)                                          To create the new table, click Run on the toolbar
10)                                      To stop a query after you start it, press CTRL+BREAK
The data in the new table you create does not inherit the field properties or the primary key setting from the original table.
            We can use Forms for a variety of purposes, i.e. to generate data-entry form to enter data into the table, to create a custom dialog box to accept user input and then carryout an action based on that input.  We can say that Forms are used for user interaction.
            You create link between the form and its record source by using graphical objects called controls.  The most common type of control used to display and enter data is a text box.
            Create a form by using Auto form, you select one record source and either columnar, tabular or datasheet layout: auto Form creates a form that uses all the fields from the record source you selected and all the fields and records in the underlying table or query.  If the record source you select has related tables or queries, the form will also include all the files and records from those record sources.
1.                                          In the Database window, click Forms under Objects
2.                                          Click the New button on the Database window toolbar
·                                             Auto Form: Columnar:  Each field appears on a separate line with a label to its left.
·                                             Auto Form: Tabular: The fields in each record appear on one line, with the labels displayed once at the top of the form
·                                             Auto Form: Datasheet:  The fields in each record appear in row-and-column format, with one record in each row and one field in each column.  The field names appear at the top of each column.
3.                                          In the New Form dialog box, click one of the following wizards:
4.                                          Click the table or query that contains the data you want to base your form on.
5.                                          Click OK
Microsoft Access applies the last auto format you used to the form.  If you haven’t created a form with a wizard before or haven’t used the Auto format command on the Format Menu, it uses standard auto format.
            Create a form with a wizard:  The wizard asks you detailed questions about the record sources, field’s layout, and format you want and creates a form based on your answers.
1.                                          In the database window, click Forms under Objects
2.                                          Click the New button on the Database window toolbar
3.                                          In the New Form dialog box, click the wizard that you want to use.  A description of the wizard appears in the left side of the dialog box.
4.                                          Click the name of the table or other record source that includes the data you want to base your form on.
5.                                          Click OK
If you have clicked Form Wizard, Chart Wizard, or Pivot Table wizard in step 3, follow the directions in the wizard dialog boxes.  If you clicked Auto form: Columnar, Auto form: Tabular or Auto form: Datasheet, Microsoft Access automatically creates your form.
            Controls are objects on a form, report or data access page that display data perform actions or are used for decoration.  For example, you can use a text box on a form, report or data access page to display data a command button on a form to open another form or report, or a line or rectangle to separate and group controls to make them more readable.
            Microsoft Access includes the following types of controls which are all accessible through the toolbox in form Design view, report design view, or data access page design view, text box, label, option group, option button, check box, list box, command button, image control, line, rectangle and ActiveX, custom controls.  Forms and reports have these additional controls: toggle button, combo box, bound object frame,, unbound object frame, sub form / sub report and page break.  Data access pages also include the drop-down list box, hyperlinks, scrolling text and the Pivot Table list, spreadsheet and chart components.
            Controls can be bound, unbound or calculated.  A bound control is tied to a field an underlying table or query.  You use bound controls to display, enter and update values from fields in your database.  An unbound control doesn’t have a data source.  You can use unbound controls to display information, lines, rectangles and pictures.  The following illustration shows examples of bound, unbound and calculated controls.
            Format properties of controls include Format style, size, color caption etc.  to change the format properties of a control
·                                             Add control into the form from the control tool box
·                                             Right Click on the control.  Select properties
·                                             From the  Format tab change the properties.
            You can increase the effectiveness of a form by adding one or more section.  All forms have a details section, but a form can also include form header, page header, page footer ad form footer sections.
a.                                                                  Open a form in Design view
b.                                                                  Click the tool in the toolbox for the type of control you want to use as the calculated control.
Note: A text box is the most common type of control to use to display a calculated value, but you can use any control that has a Control Source property.
c.                                                                   On the form or report, click where you want to place the control
d.                                                                  Do one of the following:
If the control is a text box, you can type the expression directly in the text box.
e.                                                                  For any control, make sure the control is selected, click Properties on the toolbar to display the control’s property sheet, and type the expression in the Control Source property box.  To use the Expression Builder to create the expression in a Microsoft Access database (.mdb), click the Build button next to the Control Source property box