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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

vacation computer courses









Computer is an electronic device that can perform a variety of operations in accordance with a set of instructions called program.

Features of computer
1.      Speed
2.      Storage capacity
3.      Accuracy
4.      Reliability
5.      Versatility

Parts of a Computer
            Basically a computer has three parts, they are:
1.      Input Unit
2.      CPU (Central Processing Unit)
3.      Output Unit

Block diagram of a Digital Computer

Input Unit
            It is the unit meant to receive the data and instruction contain in program. In other words it is the unit through which the programmer communicates with the computer.
Eg: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, MICR, OCR, etc…

CPU (Central Processing Unit
            It is the   brain of the computer that actually under stand and executes all the instructions. The CPU comprises three distinct parts, namely Memory Unit, ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit and Control Unit.

ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit)
This is the place where actual execution of the instruction takes place during the data processing. The ALU is capable of performing the basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and some of the logical operations.

Memory Unit
            Memory Unit is the section where all data, program and results are stored. The memory of the computer is classified into Primary Memory and Secondary Memory.

Primary Memory
            It is also called computers main memory. All data information which are to be processed by the computer, are kept ready in this memory. The results obtained after processing in the arithmetic and logic unit are also stored in main memory.
                        Commonly used primary storage devices are:
1.      RAM –Random Access Memory
2.      ROM – Read Only Memory

Secondary Memory
            The programs and data which require any further use are stored in a Secondary Memory. Recording, erasing and rerecording for a number of times are possible in an auxiliary storage.
            Commonly used Secondary Storage devices are:
1.      Floppy Disk
2.      Hard Disk
3.      Magnetic Disk
4.      CD ROM
Output Unit
           It is the unit meant to display the result of computation from the memory. Some of the Out put devices produce only a temporary copy of a result (like the monitor), while some others produce a permanent copy (like the printer)

                        Microsoft Word is a word processing package. This refers to create documents, store and manipulate them for editing or formatting
Elements of MS Word
Title bar- Display the ms-word title with file name.
Menu bar- Display the menus and pull down menus of word.
Standard tool bar- A bar with buttons that performs some of the most common task in word such as new, open save, print….etc
Formatting tool bar- A bar with buttons and options used to apply commonly used to format such as bold italic, font, size, etc
Work area – Typing areas of Ms Word.
Status bar- The bar at the bottom of word window that display information about the current status document

Menus of word
            File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Table, Windows, Help

File menu commands

New – Create a blank document.
Open – opens an Existing document.
Close – Close the active document.
Save – Saves the active document.
Saves – Saves the active document with different names.
Page setup- Change margin and size.
Print preview – Show a document look when you print it.
Print – Controls how document is printed.

Edit Menu Commands
Undo – Reverses one or more changes made in a document.
Redo – Repeat the action cancelled with the undo operation.
Cut – Removes a selected text from the document and place it in the clipboard.
Copy – Copies a selected text to the clipboard.
Paste – Insert a copy of clipboard contents at the selected place.
Clear – Deletes a selected text.
Select All – Selecting the document of entire document.
Find (ctrl+f) - Searches for specified text from document
Replace (ctrl+f)-Searching a particular text and replacing it with another word.
Go to (ctrl+f) - Finding a page, lines, Book mark etc

View Menu Commands

Normal- Displays document in a simple view
Outline - Displays the heading levels with paragraph levels.
Page layout View – A WYSWYG (What you see is what you get) view that allows us to see what the page will look when printed.
Full Screen- Hides all screen elements and display the contents of documents in full screen.
Tool Bar – Displays or hides the entire tool bars in word.
Ruler- Displays or hides the vertical and horizontal ruler lines
Header and Footer- Adds special text or graphics words repeats top of every page (header) and bottom of every page (footer).

Insert Menu Commands

Break- Insert a page break, column break, and sections break at the insertion point.
Page Number- Inserts page numbers with in a document.
1.      Insert –Page Number
2.      Select the  location and Position
3.      Click ok button
Date and Time- Insert the date and time in the different format.
Symbol- Insert special character to the document.
Foot Note- Inserts a footnote or endnote for a selected text.
     Foot note- Foot notes are placed at the end of the page
     End note- End notes are placed at the end of the document
Picture- Inserts a graphic or picture created in another application.
Object- Inserts a drawing object from another application.
Hyperlink- To link a word or picture with a file.
1.      Select the text or picture to hyper link.
2.      Insert – hyper link.
3.      Click Browse for file button.
4.      Select the file we want to link and ok.

Format Menu Commands

Font – font tab
1.      Font – Use to select a font name.
2.      Font style – Select a style.
3.      Size – Selecting a size
4.      Under line – Select the type of under line.
5.      Color – select the color of selected text.
6.      Effect – Select a combination of effect.

Paragraph – Controls the appearance of paragraph by indentation and text below.
            Indents – left and right boundary of selected text.
Types of indents
1.      Left indent
2.      Right indent
3.      first line indent
4.      hanging indent
1.      Left alignment
                Aligns the text at the left indent.
2.      Right alignment
                   Align selected text at the right indent.
3.      Centered alignment
                     Centers selected text between the left and right indents.
4.      Justified alignment
                   Expands spaces in to lines to align text evently between the left and right indent

Boarders and Shading
           Add boarders and shading to selected paragraphs, table, cell and frames.

         Change the number of columns in a selected document.
Change case
          Change the selected characters to upper case, lower case, etc.
1.      Sentence case – Capitalizes the first letter of first word in a sentence.
2.      Upper case – Changes to the selected text to upper case.
3.      Lower case – Changes to the selected to lower case.
4.      Toggle case – Changes uppercase letters to lower case and lower case letter to uppercase.
5.      Title case - Capitalize the first letter of each word in the selections.
Bullets and Numbering
Formats bullets and styles with in a list.
 Back ground
                  This option is used to change the background color.
           This command is used to create modify or apply a style for a selected text.

Tools Menu Commands

Spelling- Checks the spelling in the active document
  1. Change – Select word form suggestions list and replaces it in the position of original word.
  2. Ignore -   Does not correct the spelling of the current  word.
     Checks the documents for possible grammar and style errors and displays suggestions for correcting them.
Auto correct
    Customizes the settings used to correct text automatically as you type.
Protect Document
     Allow temporary protection for a document.
    A Macro is a series of keystrokes and mouse links that can be called with the simple click of the mouse.

Table Menu

Insert table: Insert a table with number of rows and columns with a specified column width.
Delete cells: Delete the selected cells in a table
Split cells: Split a cell horizontally in to multiple cells
Merge cells: Combine the contents of adjacent cell into a single cell.
Select table: Select the entire table. Short cut Alt+5
Sort: Arranges the information of selected rows alphabetically, numerically or by data
Split table: Divides a table into two parts and inserts a paragraph mark above the splited row
New window of Microsoft Word 2007

It is a standard Spread Sheet Software package developed by Microsoft Corporation, USA. It is used extensively in preparing budgetary reports, Profit and Loss accounts etc. 

Work Book   
            A blank document in MS Excel Window is called an Excel Workbook. A work book is a large are consisting of 65,536 rows and 256 columns. The intersection of each row and column is called a cell.

Formula Bar
            The formula bar is located just below the formatting toolbar. It shows the address of the active cell, name of the place, where the cell pointer is located and the contents of the active cell.

Copying and moving worksheets
     One or more selected worksheets can be copied within and between workbooks.

Inserting an Deleting worksheets
     Work book can be expanded or contracted by inserting or deleting work sheets.
*Choose Insert – Work sheet from the menu bar to insert a new worksheet or right                               click on one of the selected sheet tabs and select insert from the shortcut menu.
*Choose Edit- Delete sheet from the menu bar or right click on the sheet and choose the delete from the shortcut menu.

Columns width and Rows Height
              If the data which is entered into the cell is bigger than the width of the column, It is partially visible. The column width can be adjusted by the following steps.
              *Select the column
               *The column option is selected from the format menu.
                *Click on the width …. option. A dialog is displayed.
                *type the required of the column in the text box column width.
         Similarly the rows height can also be adjusted by selecting the rows….option from the Format menu.

Auto Format
The predesigned formats allow you to apply a standard format to all or part of a worksheet.
*Select the portion of the worksheet you want to auto format.
*Choose format –Auto format from the menu bar to open the Auto format dialog box.
 * Choose any format which you want
* Click the options buttons to show format to apply and deselect any option which you do not want to show click OK.

Conditional Formatting
Using Conditional formatting formats can be applied to selected cells based on the condition.

            In a spreadsheet one of the powerful feature is of formulas. Formulas can be used to perform calculations involving addition, substration, division and multiplication. In excel formulas begins with an equal sign.

            Functions are built in special programs which accept data, known as arguments, and return a value after performing calculations on the data. The different types of functions are statistical function, mathematical function, text functions etc.
New window of Microsoft Excel 2007


                        Power point is used to create Professional quality presentations. It allows as creating the presentations with text pictures, sound and animations.

Power point views
  1. Slide view
  2. Outline View
  3. Slide sorter view

Slide Transition
            Transition control the way in which, each slide will appear as its opens on the slide show screen.
To open Slide Transition dialog box Choose Slide show à Slide Transition.

            We can change the order in which objects enter the slide and the manner in which each object on the slide.

            To changes the settings for an object.

                        Choose Slide Show à Custom Animation
                        In custom animation we can set
                                    - The timing
                                    - Control when sounds and text items are introduced.
                                    - Determine how we want charts animated
- Set play settings to control when and if an object is animated on   the slide.

Running a Slide Show
                        To run a slide show
                                    Click Slide Showà View Show

New window of Microsoft Powerpoint  2007

                        Internet is a world wide network of computers. It consists of millions of computers connected to each other and capable of exchanging data and information by using communication links such as telephone lines fiber optics satellite and other Medias.
WWW – World Wide Web
                        World Wide Web is the collection of all types of information stored in millions of computers connected to the internet.
            Electronic mail or E-mail is a simple tool for sending and receiving brief text messages between individuals or among larger audiences.

GIMPis an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

Starting GIMP
                        Start à Programs à GIMP
                                    Now we get a small window, containing many tool and options on screen.
            To create a new file,
                                    Click new from the file menu, we get a dialog box, give the width, height and resolution of the file and then click ok.

Tools in GIMP

Rectangular selection tool
            Elliptical selection tool
            Hand- drawn selection tool
            Bezier curves selection tool
            Image shapes selection tool
            Selection Tool
            Pick color tool
            Zoom in and out tool
            Distance and Angular measurement tool
            Move Layer and selection tool
            Cut & Resize tool
            Rotation tool
            Shearing tool
            Change the mode of vision tool
To turn the layer tool
Text tool
Fill with color or pattern
            Fill with color gradient
            Pencil tool
            Brush tool
            Eraser tool
            Spray colors
            Pen tool
            Pattern tool

Change background color
            Click Black rectangle on the tool box

            We will get a dialog box , Select the required color

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