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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

office suite question paper

Question Code C1
[Established by Govt. of Kerala]
Time: 2 hours                                                      Maximum Marks: 100
        Note: Write the answers for Questions from 1 to 30 in the MCQ answer sheet
Part – I Choose the correct answer                                              (10 x 1 Marks = 10 Marks)
1)     ………………. Excel function is used to join several text strings into one text string.
a) +                               b) Join                  c) Concatenate            d) Concat
2)     ………………. is the shortcut key to open a new file in Word.
a)  Ctrl+O            b) Ctrl+N              c) F12              d) None of these
3)     ………….. key begins a slide show.
a) Enter                b) F5                   c) F4            d) Ctrl+S
4)     We can change the style of all slides in the presentation by changing ………… property.
a) Header and Footer          b) Slide master            c) Nudging        d) None of these
5)     …………… is the shortcut key for Go To in MS Word.
      a) Ctrl+G            b) Ctrl+H            c) Ctrl+C             d) Ctrl+V
6)     …………… Excel function compares two text strings and return true value if they are same.
a) Same             b) Exact             c) Compare        d) Equal
7)     Slide sorter is available in …………….. menu.
a) Insert             b) File                c) View           d) Edit
8)     Which of the following functions is not available in Excel?
a) SUM ()                b) AVERAGE ()                c) MIDDLE ()             d) ROUND ()
9)     In Excel the 27th column is represented by ……………..
a) 27                 b) B7               c) AA              d) A1
10)  A word document can be zoomed maximum up to ………….
      a) 200%            b) 100%            c) 150%      d) 500%
Part – II Fill in the blanks                                                               (10 x 1 Mark = 10 Marks)
11)  ………… option is used to combine the contents of the selected adjacent cells into a single cell in MS Word table.
12)  In MS Word, …………….. option converts all capital letters into small letters and vice versa.
13)  ………… Excel function is used to count empty cells in a specified range of cells.
14)  ………… is used to align the paragraph at both left and right margins.
15)  ………… option is used to adjust the value in a specified cell until a formula that is dependent on that cell reaches a target value.
16)  .……….. is a text that is added to the bottom margin of all pages of a document.
17)  The intersection of a row and column is called ………….
18)  In Excel, Word count option can be obtained from …………… menu. 
19)  …………… is the database program in Open Office.
20)  …………... is the presentation graphics package in Open Office.

Part – III State whether True or False                                      (10 x 1 Mark = 10 Marks)
21)  OLE means Object Linking and Enabling.
22)  Debian is a Linux operating system version.
23)  Data recorded in the database can be edited but cannot be deleted.
24)  Excel Charts can be resized and moved in a worksheet.
25)  Nudging means slightly enlarging or compressing a picture on a slide.
26)  Ctrl+C allows a user to cut the selected text.
27)  In Powerpoint, slide number can be added anywhere on the slide.
28)  A clip board can hold a maximum of ten elements that were cut or copied.
29)  A PowerPoint cannot be inserted in a webpage.
30)  To select the entire worksheet in EXCEL, press CTRL+ SHIFT+SPACEBAR.

Part – IV Write the Excel functions for the following                      (10 x 2 Marks = 20 Marks)
32)  To return the factorial of a number.
33)  To return the specified number of characters from the end of a text string.
34)  To round a number to the nearest higher integer.
35)  To return the remainder of a division.
36)  To convert a vertical range of cells to horizontal range or vice versa.
37)  To return current date.
38)  To add the contents of cells specified by a given condition or criterion.
39)  To return the largest value from a range of cells.
40)  To remove the spaces from the text string except the single space between words.
            (Part V, Part VI F¶nhbpsS  D¯c§Ä aebmf¯nepw FgpXmw)
Part – V Explain the following (Any Six)                                         (6 x 5 Marks = 30 Marks)
41)  Different views in PowerPoint.
42)  Five mathematical functions in MS-Excel.
43)  Relative, Mixed and Absolute referencing in Excel with examples.
44)  Autoformat and Autofill in Excel.
45)  Bullets and Numbering in MS-Word.
46)  Data types in Access.
47)  Conditional formatting in Excel.
48)  Slide Transitions in PowerPoint.

Part – VI Explain the following (Any Two)                                    (2 x 10 Marks = 20 Marks)
49)  Charts in MS Excel- Types and features.
50)  Mailmerge in Word.
51)  Date functions in MS Excel.

52)  Macros in MS Word.

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