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Friday, February 7, 2014







Therefore we present our idea, the 3D passwords which are more customizable and very interesting way of authentication. Now the passwords are based on the fact of Human memory. Generally simple passwords are set so as to quickly recall them. The human memory, in our scheme has to undergo the facts of Recognition, Recalling, Biometrics or Token based authentication. Once implemented and you log in to a secure site, the 3D password GUI opens up. This is an additional textual password which the user can simply put. Once he goes through the first authentication, a 3D virtual room will open on the screen. In our case, let's say a virtual garage
The 3D password is a multi factor authentication scheme. The 3D password presents a 3D virtual environment containing various virtual objects. The user navigates through this environment and interacts with the objects. The 3D password is simply the combination and the sequence of user interactions that occur in the 3D virtual environment. The 3D password can combine recognition, recall, token, and biometrics based systems into one authentication scheme. This can be done by designing a 3D virtual environment that contains objects that request information to be recalled, information to be recognized, tokens to be presented, and biometric data to be verified.
For example, the user can enter the virtual environment and type something on a computer that exists in (x1 , y1 , z1 ) position, then enter a room that has a fingerprint recognition device that exists in a position (x2 , y2 , z2 ) and provide his/her fingerprint. Then, the user can go to the virtual garage, open the car door, and turn on the radio to a specific channel. The combination and the sequence of the previous actions toward the specific objects construct the user's 3D password.
Virtual objects can be any object that we encounter in real life. Any obvious actions and interactions toward the real life objects can be done in the virtual 3D environment toward the virtual objects. Moreover, any user input (such as speaking in a specific location) in the virtual 3D environment can be considered as a part of the 3D password.


Users nowadays are provided with major password stereotypes such as textual passwords, biometric scanning, tokens or cards (such as an ATM) etc .Mostly textual passwords follow an encryption algorithm as mentioned above. Biometric scanning is your "natural" signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity. But some people hate the fact to carry around their cards, some refuse to undergo strong IR exposure to their retinas(Biometric scanning).Mostly textual passwords, nowadays, are kept very simple say a word from the dictionary or their pet names, girlfriends etc. Years back Klein performed such tests and he could crack 10-15 passwords per day. Now with the technology change, fast processors and many tools on the Internet this has become a Child's Play.


Authentication is the act of establishing or confirmingsomething as authentic, that is, that claims made by or about the subject aretrue. This might involve confirming the identity of a person, tracing the originsof an artifact, ensuring that a product is what it’s packaging and labeling claimsto be, or assuring that a computer program is a trusted one. For example, when you show proper identification credentials toa bank teller, you are asking to be authenticated to act on behalf of the accountholder. If your authentication request is approved, you become authorized toaccess the accounts of that account holder, but no others.


There are two types of techniques for doing this.The first is comparing the attributes of the object itself towhat is known about objects of that origin. For example, an art expert mightlook for similarities in the style of painting, check the location and form of asignature, or compare the object to an old photograph. An archaeologist mightuse carbon dating to verify the age of an artifact, do a chemical analysis of the materials used, or compare the style of construction or decoration to other artifacts of similar origin. The physics of sound and light, and comparison with a known physical environment, can be used to examine the authenticity of audio recordings, photographs, or videos. The second type relies on documentation or other external affirmations. This can be accomplished through a written evidence log, or by testimony from the police detectives and forensics staff that handled it. Some antiques are accompanied by certificates attesting to their authenticity. External records have their own problems of forgery and perjury, and are also vulnerable to being separated from the artifact and lost. Currency and other financial instruments commonly use the first type of authentication method. Bills, coins, and cheques incorporate hard-to-duplicate physical features, such as fine printing or engraving, distinctive feel, watermarks, and holographic imagery, which are easy for receivers’ toverify.Consumer goods such as pharmaceuticals, perfume; fashion clothing can use either type of authentication method to prevent counterfeit goods from taking advantage of a popular brand's reputation.


                  Suffer from many weaknesses. Textual passwords arecommonly used. Users tend to choose meaningful words from dictionaries,which make textual passwords easy to break and vulnerable to dictionary or  brute force attacks. Many available graphical passwords have a password spacethat is less than or equal to the textual password space. Smart cards or tokenscan be stolen. Many biometric authentications have been proposed. However,users tend to resist using biometrics because of their intrusiveness and the effecton their privacy. Moreover, biometrics cannot be revoked. The 3D password isa multi factor authentication scheme. The design of the 3D virtual environmentand the type of objects selected determine the 3D password key space. User have freedom to select whether the 3D password will be solely recall,recognition, or token based, or combination of two schemes or more.



The proposed system is a multi factor authentication scheme. It can combine all existing authentication schemes into a single 3Dvirtualenvironment. This 3D virtual environment contains several objects or items with which the user can interact. The user is presented with this 3D virtual environment where the user navigates and interacts with various objects. The sequence of actions and interactions toward the objects inside the 3Denvironment constructs the users 3Dpassword.The 3D password can combine most existing authentication schemes such as textual passwords, graphical passwords, and various types of biometrics into a 3D virtual environment. The choice of what authentication schemes will be part of the user’s 3D password reflects the user's preferences and requirements. A user who prefers to remember and recall a password might choose textual and graphical password as part of their 3D password. On the other hand users who have more difficulty with memory or recall might prefer to choose smart cards or biometrics as part of their 3D password. Moreover user who prefers to keep any kind of biometric data private might not interact with object that requires biometric information. Therefore it is the user's choice and decision to construct the desired and preferred 3D password.


The 3-D password is a multifactor authentication scheme. It can combine all existing authentication schemes into a single 3-D virtual environment. This 3-D virtual environment contains several objects or item with which the user can interact. The type of interaction varies from one item to another. The 3-D password is constructed by observing the actions and interactions of the user and by observing the sequences of such actions. It is the user choice to select which type of authentication techniques will be part of their 3-D password. This is achieved through interacting only with the objects that acquire information that the user is comfortable in providing and ignoring the objects that request information that the user prefers not to provide. For example, if an item requests an iris scan and the user is not comfortable in providing such information, the user simply avoids interacting with that item. Moreover, giving the user the freedom of choice as to what type of authentication schemes will be part of their 3-D password and given the large number of objects and items in the environment, the number of possible 3-D passwords will increase. Thus, it becomes much more difficult for the attacker to guess the users 3-D password.


The 3Dpassword is a multi factor authentication scheme. The 3Dpassword presents a 3Dvirtual environment containing various virtual objects. The user navigates through this environment and interacts with the objects. The 3Dpassword is simply the combination and the sequence of user interactions that occur in the 3Dvirtual environment. The 3Dpassword can combine recognition, recall, token, and biometrics based systems into one authentication scheme. This can be done by designing a 3Dvirtual environment that contains objects that request information to be recalled, information to be recognized, tokens to be presented, and biometric data to be verified. For example, the user can enter the virtual environment and type something on a computer that exists in (x1 , y1 , z1 ) position, then enter a room that has a fingerprint recognition device that exists in a position (x2 , y2 ,z2 ) and provide his/her fingerprint. Then, the user can go to the virtual garage, open the car door, and turn on the radio to a specific channel. The combination and the sequence of the previous actions toward the specific objects construct the users 3Dpassword.Virtual objects can be any object that we encounter in real life. Any obvious actions and interactions toward the real life objects can become in the virtual3Denvironment toward the virtual objects. Moreover, any user input (such as speaking in a specific location) in the virtual 3Denvironmentcan be considered as a part of the 3Dpassword.

We can have the following objects:
1) A computer with which the user can type;
2) A fingerprint reader that requires the users fingerprint;
3) A biometric recognition device;
4) A paper or a white board that a user can write, sign, or draw on;
5) An automated teller machine (ATM) that requests a token;
6) A light that can be switched on/off;
7) A television or radio where channels can be selected;
8) A staple that can be punched;
9) A car that can be driven;
10) A book that can be moved from one place to another;
11) Any graphical password scheme;
12) Any real life object;
13) Any upcoming authentication scheme.
The action toward an object (assume a fingerprint recognition device)that exists in location (x1 , y1 , z1 ) is different from the actions toward similar object (another fingerprint recognition device) that exists in location (x2, y2 , z2 ),where x1 = x2 , y1 = y2 , and z1 = z2 . Therefore, to perform the legitimate 3Dpassword, the user must follow the same scenario performed by the legitimate user. This means interacting with the same objects that reside at the exact locations and perform the exact actions in the proper sequence.

Let us consider a 3Dvirtual environment space of size G ×G × G. The 3Denvironment space is represented by the coordinates(x, y, z)
 [1. . . G] × [1. . . G] × [1. . . G]. the objects are distributed in the3Dvirtual environment with unique (x, y, z) coordinates. We assume that the user can navigate into the 3Dvirtual environment and interact with the objects using any input device such as a mouse, key board, fingerprint scanner, iris scanner, stylus, card reader, and microphone. We consider the sequence of those actions and interactions using the previous input devices as the user’s3Dpassword.For example, consider a user who navigates through the3Dvirtualenvironment that consists of an office and a meeting room. Let us assume that the user is in the virtual office and the user turns around to the door located in (10, 24, 91) and opens it. Then, the user closes the door. The user then finds a computer to the left, which exists in the position (4, 34, 18), and the user types ³FALCON.´ Then, the user walks to the meeting room and picks up a pen located at (10, 24, 80) and draws only one dot in a paper located in (1, 18,30), which is the dot (x, y) coordinate relative to the paper space is (330, 130).The user then presses the login button. The initial representation of user actions in the 3Dvirtual environment can be recorded as follows:· (10, 24, 91) Action = Open the office door;· (10, 24, 91) Action = Close the office door;· (4, 34, 18) Action = Typing, ³F´;· (4, 34, 18) Action = Typing, ³A´;· (4, 34, 18) Action = Typing, ³L´;· (4, 34, 18) Action = Typing, ³C´;· (4, 34, 18) Action = Typing, ³O´;· (4, 34, 18) Action = Typing, ³N´;· (10, 24, 80) Action = Pick up the pen;· (1, 18, 80) Action = Drawing, point = (330, 130).
In order for a legitimate user to be authenticated, the user has to follow the same sequence and type of actions and interactions toward the objects for the user’s original 3-D password.


The design of the 3D virtual environments affects the usability, effectiveness, acceptability of 3D password. The first step in building a3-Dpassword system is to design a 3-Denvironment that reflects the administration needs and the security requirements.

The design of 3D virtual environments should follow these guidelines
 1) Real life-similarity-

 The prospective 3D virtual environment should reflect what people are used to seeing in real life. Objects used invirtualenvironments should be relatively similar in size to real objects (sized to scale). Possible actions and interactions toward virtual objects should reflect real life situations. Object responses should be realistic. The target should have a 3-D virtual environment that users can interact.

2) Object uniqueness and distinction-

Every virtual object or item in the 3-D virtual environment indifferent from any other virtual object. The uniqueness comes from the fact that every virtual object has its own attributes such as position. Thus, the prospectiveinteraction with object 1  is not equal to the interaction with object 2.However, having similar objects such as 20 computers in one place might confuse the user. Therefore, the design of the 3D virtual environmentshould considers that every object should be distinguishable from other objects. Similarly, in designing a 3-Dvirtual environment, it should be easy for user’s to navigate through and to distinguish between objects. The distinguishing factor increases the user’s recognition of objects. Therefore, it improves the system usability.

3) Three Dimensional Virtual Environment Size -

A 3-Dvirtual environment can depict a city or even the world. On the other hand, it can depict a space as focused as a single room or office. A large 3¬D virtual environment will increase the time required by the user to perform a 3-Dpassword. Moreover, a large3-Dvirtual environment can contain large number of virtual objects. Therefore, the probable 3-Dpassword space broadens. However, a small 3-D virtual environment usually contains only a few objects, and thus, performing a 3-D password will take less time.

4) Number of objects and their types-

Part of designing a 3-D virtual environment is determining the types of objects and how many objects should be placed in the environment. The types of objects reflect what kind of responses the object will have. For simplicity, we can consider requesting a textual password or a fingerprint as an object response type. Selecting the right object response types and the number of objects affects the probable password space of a 3-D password.

5) System Importance-

The 3D virtual environment should consider what systems will be protected by a 3D password. The number of objects and the types of objects that have been used in the 3D virtual environment should reflect the importance of the protected system.


The 3D password can have a password space that is very large compared to other authentication schemes, so the 3-D password main application domains are protecting critical systems and resources.
1. Critical servers-
Many large organizations have critical servers that are usually protected by a textual password. A 3D password authentication proposes a sound replacement for a textual password.
2. Nuclear and military facilities-
Such facilities should be protected by the most powerful authentication systems. The 3-D password has a very large probable password space, and since it can contain token-, biometrics-, recognition and knowledge based authentications in a single authentication system, it is a sound choice for high level security locations.
3. Airplanes and jet fighters-
Because of the possible threat of misusing airplanes and jet fighters for religion-political agendas, usage of such airplanes should be protected by a powerful authentication system. In addition, 3-D passwords can be used in less critical systems because the 3D virtual environment can be designed to fit to any system needs. A small virtual environment can be used in the following systems like


To determine the password space, we have to count all possible3D passwords that have a certain number of actions, interactions, and inputs towards all objects that exist in the 3D virtual environments

IG: Password space of the3D password, textual password, Pass faces, and DAS with grid sizes of 5 × 5 and 10 × 10Length is the number of actions and interactions for a3D password, the number of characters for textual passwords, the number of selections for Pass faces, and the number of points that represent the strokes for DASThe length is up to eight


·        Easiness to memorize
 Users can memorize a 3D password as a ³little´story which makes the password easy to remember 

·        Flexibility
 3d passwords allows multi-factor authentication. Smart cards, biometrics and alpha num password can embedded in the 3d password technology

·        Strength
`      `Scenario in a 3D environment offers as almost unlimited combination of possibilities. As such system can have specific 3d world, hack are extremely difficult.
·        The 3D password gives users the freedom of selecting what type of authentication techniques.
·        Secrets those are not easy to write down on paper.
·        The scheme secrets should be difficult to share with others.
·        Provide secrets that can be easily revoked or changed


Textual passwords and token-based passwords are the most common used authentication schemes. However, many different schemes have been used in specific fields. Other schemes are under study yet they have never been applied in the real world. The motivation of this work is to have a scheme that has a huge password space while also being a combination of any existing, or upcoming, authentication schemes into one scheme. A 3D password gives the user the choice of modeling his 3D password to contain any authentication scheme that the user prefers. Users do not have to provide their fingerprints if they do not wish to. Users do not have to carry cards if they do not want to. Users have the choice to model their 3D password according to their needs and their preferences. A 3D passwordisprobable password space can be reflected by the design of the three-dimensional virtual environment, which is designed by the system administrator. The three-dimensional virtual environment can contain any objects that the administrator feels that the users are familiar with.For example, football players can use a three-dimensional virtual environment of a stadium where they can navigate and interact with objects that they are familiar with. The 3D password is in its infancy. A study on a large number of people is required. We are looking at designing different three-dimensional virtual environments that contain objects of all possible authentication schemes. The main application domains of 3D Password are critical systems and resources. Critical systems such as military facilities, critical servers and highly classified areas can be protected by 3D Password system with large three-dimensional virtual environment. Moreover, a small three-dimensional virtual environment can be used to protect less critical systems such as handhelds, ATM's and operating system's logins. Acquiring the knowledge of the probable distribution of a users3D password might show the practical strength of a 3D password. Moreover, finding a solution for shoulder surfing attacks on 3D passwords and other authentication schemes is also a field of study


1.     A Novel 3D graphical passwordschema-Fawaz A Alsulaiman andAbdulmotaleb El Saddik 
2.     Daniel V.Klein. Foiling the Cracker: A Survey of, and Improvement to Passwords Security

3.     Greg E. Blonder, Graphical Password, United State Patent 5559961

4.     Rachna Dhamija, Adrian Perrig, Déjà Vu: A User Study Using Images for Authentication. 2000, Denver, Colorado, pages 45-58.


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