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Friday, February 7, 2014


AJAX - A New Approach to Web




                                  Web application designing has by far evolved in a number of ways since the time of its birth. To make web pages more interactive various techniques have been devised both at the browser level and at the server level. The introduction of XMLHttpRequest class in the Internet Explorer 5 by Microsoft paved the way for interacting with the server using JavaScript, asynchronously. AJAX, a shorthand for Asynchronous Java And XML, is a technique which uses this MLHttpRequest object of the browser features plus the Document Object Model and DHTML and provides for making highly interactive web applications in which the entire web page need not be changed by a user action, only parts of the page are loaded dynamically by exchanging information with the server. This approach has been able to enhance the interactivity and speed of the web applications to a great extent. Interactive applications such as Google Maps, Orkut, and Instant Messengers are making extensive use of this technique. This report presents an overview of the basic concepts of AJAX and how it is used in making web applications.

                   Creating Web applications has been considered as one of the most exciting jobs under current interaction design. But, Web interaction designers can't help feel a little envious of their colleagues who create desktop software. Desktop applications have a richness and responsiveness that has seemed out of reach on the Web. The same simplicity that enabled the Web's rapid proliferation also creates a gap between the experiences that can be provided through web applications and the experiences users can get from a desktop application.
In the earliest days of the Web, designers chafed against the constraints of the medium. The entire interaction model of the Web was rooted in its heritage as a hypertext system: click the link, request the document, and wait for the server to respond. Designers could not think of changing the basic foundation of the web that is, the call-response model, to improve on the web applications because of the various caveats, restrictions and compatibility issues associated with it.
But the urge to enhance the responsiveness of the web applications, made the designers take up the task of making the Web work the best it could within the hypertext interaction model, developing new conventions for Web interaction that allowed their applications to reach audiences who never would have attempted to use desktop applications designed for the same tasks. The designers' came up with a technique called AJAX, shorthand for Asynchronous Java and XML, which is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. The intent of this is to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user makes a change. This is meant to increase the web page's interactivity, speed, and usability. AJAX is not a single new technology of its own but is a bunch of several technologies, each nourishing in its own right, coming together in powerful new ways.
 What is AJAX?
                             AJAX is a set of technologies combined in an efficient manner so that the web application runs in a better way utilizing the benefits of all these simultaneously.
                                 Ajax, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications. The intent is to make web pages feel more responsive by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes, so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user makes a change. This is meant to increase the web page s interactivity, speed, and usability.
The Ajax technique uses a combination of XHTML (or HTML) and CSS, for marking up and styling information.
 XML is sometimes used as the format for transferring data between the server and client

   AJAX incorporates:

*    Standards-based presentation using XHTML and  CSS;

*    Dynamic display and interaction using the Document Object Model;

*    Data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT;

*    Asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest;

*    And JavaScript binding everything together.

Ajax (programming)

    Ajax (also AJAX; /ˈæks/; an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)[1] is a group of interrelated web development techniques used on the client-side to create asynchronous web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send data to, and retrieve interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. Data can be retrieved using the XMLHttpRequest object data from, a server asynchronously (in the background) without. Despite the name, the use of XML is not required (JSON is often used instead), and the requests do not need to be asynchronous.[2]
                                                          Ajax is not a single technology, but a group of technologies. HTML and CSS can be used in combination to mark up and style information. The DOM is accessed with JavaScript to dynamically display, and to allow the user to interact with the information presented. JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object provide a method for exchanging data asynchronously between browser and server to avoid full page reloads. Ajax is different with Flash, Silverlight, Java Applet and other RIA implementations; Ajax doesn't depend on any plug-in of web browser.

                                        In the 1990s, most web sites were based on complete HTML pages; each user action required that the page be re-loaded from the server (or a new page loaded). This process is inefficient, as reflected by the user experience: all page content disappears then reappears, etc. Each time a page is reloaded due to a partial change, all of the content must be re-sent instead of only the changed information. This can place additional load on the server and use excessive bandwidth.
  In 1996, iframe tag was introduced by internet explorer to load content asynchronously.
 In 1998, Microsoft Outlook Web Access team implemented the first component XMLHTTP by client script.
 In 1999, Microsoft utilized its iframe technology to dynamically update the news stories and stock quotes on the default page for Internet Explorer ( 1999, Microsoft created the XMLHTTP ActiveX control in Internet Explorer 5, which was later adopted by Mozilla, Safari, Opera and other browsers as the XMLHttpRequest JavaScript object.
                                    Microsoft has adopted the native XMLHttpRequest model as of Internet Explorer 7, though the ActiveX version is still supported. The utility of background HTTP requests to the server and asynchronous web technologies remained fairly obscure until it started appearing in full scale online applications such as Outlook Web Access (2000) and Odd post (2002), and later, Google made a wide deployment of Ajax with Gmail (2004) and Google Maps (2005).
                                   The term Ajax was coined on 18 February 2005 by Jesse James Garrett in an article entitled "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications", based on techniques used on Google web pages.
                                        On 5 April 2006 the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released the first draft specification for the XMLHttpRequest object in an attempt to create an official web standard.



                              The term Ajax has come to represent a broad group of web technologies that can be used to implement a web application that communicates with a server in the background, without interfering with the current state of the page. In the article that coined the term Ajax, Jesse James Garrett explained that the following technologies are incorporated:
                                Since then, however, there have been a number of developments in the technologies used in an Ajax application, and the definition of the term Ajax. XML is not required for data interchange and therefore XSLT is not required for the manipulation of data. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is often used as an alternative format for data interchange, although other formats such as preformatted HTML or plain text can also be used.


  • In pre-HTML5 browsers, pages dynamically created using successive Ajax requests did not automatically register themselves with the browser's history engine, so clicking the browser's "back" button may not have returned the browser to an earlier state of the Ajax-enabled page, but may have instead returned to the last full page visited before it. A pre-Ajax workaround was to use invisible frames to trigger changes in the browser's history. A workaround implemented by Ajax techniques is to change the URL fragment identifier (the part of a URL after the '#') when an Ajax-enabled page is accessed and monitor it for changes
    • However, HTML5 provides an extensive API standard for working with the browser's history engine
  • Dynamic web page updates also make it difficult to bookmark and return to a particular state of the application. Solutions to this problem exist, many of which again use the URL fragment identifier.
    • The solution provided by HTML5 for the above problem also applies for this.
  • Depending on the nature of the Ajax application, dynamic page updates may interfere disruptively with user interactions, especially if working on an unstable Internet connection. For instance, editing a search field may trigger a query to the server for search completions, but the user may not know that a search completion popup is forthcoming, and if the internet connection is slow, the popup list may show up at an inconvenient time, when the user has already proceeded to do something else.
  • Because most web crawlers do not execute JavaScript code publicly index able web applications should provide an alternative means of accessing the content that would normally be retrieved with Ajax, thereby allowing search engines to index it.
  • Any user whose browser does not support JavaScript or XMLHttpRequest, or simply has this functionality disabled, will not be able to properly use pages which depend on Ajax. Devices such as smart phones and PDAs may not have support for the required technologies, though this is becoming less of an issue. The only way to let the user carry out functionality is to fall back to non-JavaScript methods. This can be achieved by making sure links and forms can be resolved properly and not relying solely on Ajax.

·         Similarly, some web applications which use Ajax are built in a way that cannot be read by screen-reading technologies, such as JAWS. The WAI-ARIA standards provide a way to provide hints in such a case.
  • Screen readers that are able to use Ajax may still not be able to properly read the dynamically generated content.
  • The same origin policy prevents some Ajax techniques from being used across domains, although the W3C has a draft of the XMLHttpRequest object that would enable this functionality. Methods exist to sidestep this security feature by using a special Cross Domain Communications channel embedded as an iframe within a page, or by the use of JSONP.
  • Ajax-powered interfaces may dramatically increase the number of user-generated requests to web servers and their back-ends (e.g. databases) this can lead to longer response times and/or additional hardware needs.

  • The asynchronous callback-style of programming required can lead to complex code that is hard to maintain, to debugand to test



AJAX is Based on Internet Standards

    AJAX is based on internet standards, and uses a combination of:

  • XMLHttpRequest object (to exchange data
  • asynchronously with a server)
  • JavaScript/DOM (to display/interact with the information)
  • CSS (to style the data)
  • XML (often used as the format for transferring data)

lamp  AJAX applications are browser- and platform-independent!

AJAX Example Explained

                      The AJAX application above contains one div section and one button. The div section will be used to display information returned from a server. The button calls a function named loadXMLDoc (), if it is clicked:
<! DOCTYPE html>
<div id="myDiv"><h2>Let AJAX change this text</h2></div>
<button type="button" onclick="loadXMLDoc ()">Change Content</button>
Next, add a <script> tag to the page's head section. The script section contains the loadXMLDoc() function:
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc ()
.... AJAX script goes here ...

Create an XMLHttpRequest Object

All modern browsers (IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera) have a built-in XMLHttpRequest object.
Syntax for creating an XMLHttpRequest object:
Variable=new XMLHttpRequest();
Old versions of Internet Explorer (IE5 and IE6) uses an ActiveX Object:
variable=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
To handle all modern browsers, including IE5 and IE6, check if the browser supports the XMLHttpRequest object. If it does, create an XMLHttpRequest object, if not, create an ActiveXObject:


var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
  xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
  {// code for IE6, IE5
  xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");


Send a Request to a Server

To send a request to a server, we use the open () and send () methods of the XMLHttpRequest object: ("GET","ajax_info.txt", true);

Specifies the type of request, the URL, and if the request should be handled asynchronously or not.

method: the type of request: GET or POST
url: the location of the file on the server
async: true (asynchronous) or false (synchronous)
Sends the request off to the server.

string: Only used for POST requests


GET is simpler and faster than POST, and can be used in most cases.
However, always use POST requests when:
  • A cached file is not an option (update a file or database on the server)
  • Sending a large amount of data to the server (POST has no size limitations)
  • Sending user input (which can contain unknown characters), POST is more robust and secure than GET
Asynchronous JavaScript + XML, while not a technology in itself, is a term coined in 2005 by Jesse James Garrett, that describes a "new" approach to using a number of existing technologies together, including: HTML or XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, The Document Object Model, XML, XSLT, and the most importantly XMLHttpRequest object.
When these technologies are combined in the AJAX model, web applications are able to make quick, incremental updates to the user interface without reloading the entire browser page. This makes the application faster and more responsive to user actions.
Although X in AJAX stands for XML, JSON is used more than XML nowadays because of its many advantages such as being lighter and a part of JavaScript. Both JSON and XML are used for packaging information in AJAX model.



                                     Although AJAX allows us to build new and improved ways of interacting with a Web page, as developers we need to remember that the product is not about the technologies; it's about the users and how they interact with the product. Without the users, the projects we build would have no purpose. With that principle in mind, we can assess what technologies to use and when to use them in order to create an application that's beneficial to all who use it.
                                   Basically this is just a small reference to the AJAX functionality in query and I feel like it fills it's position fairly well.  Thank you for reading and have a good night, don't forget to leave some feedback or corrections.

1.                  Jesse James Garrett (18 February 2005). "Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications". Retrieved 19 June 2008.
2.                       Ullman, Chris (March 2007). Beginning Ajax. Wrox. ISBN 978-0-470-10675-4. Archived from the original on 5 July 2008. Retrieved 24 June 2008.
3.                        "Dynamic HTML and XML: The XMLHttpRequest Object". Apple Inc. Retrieved 25 June 2008.
4.                        Hopmann, Alex. "Story of XMLHTTP". Alex Hopmann’s Blog. Retrieved 17 May 2010.
5.                       "A Brief History of Ajax". Aaron Swartz. 22 December 2005. Retrieved 4 August 2009.
6.                       "JavaScript Object Notation". Archived from the original on 16 June 2008. Retrieved 4 July 2008.
7.                  "Speed Up Your Ajax-based Apps with JSON". from the original on 4 July 2008. Retrieved 4 July 2008.

8.     "Why use Ajax?". InterAKT. 10 November 2005. Archivedfrom the original on 29 May 2008. Retrieved 26 June 2008.

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